Regression analysis in R-Model Comparison
Regression analysis in R, just look at the Boston housing data and we can see a total of 506 observations and 14 variables.
In this dataset, medv is the response variable, and the remaining are the predictors.
We want to make a regression prediction model for medv based on other predictor variables.
Most of the variables are numeric variables except one variable.
First, we need to look at the multicollinearity problem, for that exclude factor variable.
In this case, some of the pairs are highly correlated and this may lead to inaccurate results.
How to avoid collinearity issues?
Collinearity leads to overfitting
The first solution is to fit ridge regression, shrink coefficient to non-zero values to prevent overfitting, but keep all variables.
The second option is lasso regression, which shrinks regression coefficients, with some shrunk to zero. Thus, it also helps with feature selection.
The third option is too elastic net regression, Mix of the ridge and lasso.
Elastic net regression sum of squares reduces to the ridge when alpha equals zero and reduces to lasso regression when alpha equals 1.
Elastic net regression models are more flexible. When we fit the elastic net regression model end up with the best model maybe 20% ridge and 80% lasso or it could be another combination of ridge and lasso.
Regression analysis in R
Load Library
library(caret) library(glmnet) library(mlbench) library(psych)
Getting Data
data("BostonHousing") data <- BostonHousing
Data Partition
set.seed(222) ind <- sample(2, nrow(data), replace = T, prob = c(0.7, 0.3)) train <- data[ind==1,] test <- data[ind==2,]
Custom Control Parameters with 10 number cross-validation
custom <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",number = 10,repeats = 5,verboseIter = T)
Linear Model
set.seed(1234) lm <- train(medv~.,train,methods='lm', trControl=custom)
Linear Regression 353 samples 13 predictor No pre-processing Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 5 times) Summary of sample sizes: 316, 318, 318, 319, 317, 318, ... Resampling results: RMSE Rsquared MAE 4.23222 0.778488 3.032342 Tuning parameter 'intercept' was held constant at a value of TRUE Call: lm(formula = .outcome ~ ., data = dat) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -10.1018 -2.3528 -0.7279 1.7047 27.7868
You can see RMSE is 4.23 and R squares is 0.77. Cross-validation is 10 indicates 9 parts used for training the model and one part used for testing the error and it’s repeated with five number of times.
Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 25.742808 5.653389 4.554 7.37e-06 *** crim -0.165452 0.036018 -4.594 6.15e-06 *** zn 0.047202 0.015401 3.065 0.002352 ** indus 0.013377 0.067401 0.198 0.842796 chas1 1.364633 0.947288 1.441 0.150630 nox -13.065313 4.018576 -3.251 0.001264 ** rm 5.072891 0.468889 10.819 < 2e-16 *** age -0.028573 0.013946 -2.049 0.041247 * dis -1.421107 0.208908 -6.803 4.66e-11 *** rad 0.260863 0.070092 3.722 0.000232 *** tax -0.013556 0.004055 -3.343 0.000922 *** ptratio -0.906744 0.139687 -6.491 3.03e-10 *** b 0.008912 0.002986 2.985 0.003040 ** lstat -0.335149 0.056920 -5.888 9.40e-09 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Residual standard error: 4.192 on 339 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.7874, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7793 F-statistic: 96.59 on 13 and 339 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
The variables that do not have a star indicate those variables are not statistically significant.

Ridge Regression
set.seed(1234) ridge <- train(medv~.,train, method='glmnet',tuneGrid=expand.grid(alpha=0,lambda=seq(0.0001,1,length=5)),trControl=custom) ridge
353 samples 13 predictor No pre-processing Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 5 times) Summary of sample sizes: 316, 318, 318, 319, 317, 318, ... Resampling results across tuning parameters: lambda RMSE Rsquared MAE 0.000100 4.242204 0.7782278 3.008339 0.250075 4.242204 0.7782278 3.008339 0.500050 4.242204 0.7782278 3.008339 0.750025 4.248536 0.7779462 3.012397 1.000000 4.265479 0.7770264 3.023091
Tuning parameter ‘alpha’ was held constant at a value of 0
RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final values used for the model were alpha = 0 and lambda = 0.50005.
You can see alpha is 0 because we are doing ridge regression and lambda is 0.5000.
Plot Results

Increasing the lambda increases the error and the appropriate lambda is 0.5.
plot(ridge$finalModel, xvar = "lambda", label = T)

X-axis has log lambda, when log lambda around 9 all coefficients are zero.
plot(ridge$finalModel, xvar = 'dev', label=T)

In this plot, you can see that the fraction deviation 60% model explains very well and after that lot of deviation is noticed.
plot(varImp(ridge, scale=T))

The most important variables you can see at the top of the graph and at least once are at the bottom.
Lasso Regression
set.seed(1234) lasso <- train(medv~.,train, method='glmnet', tuneGrid=expand.grid(alpha=1, lambda=seq(0.0001,1,length=5)),trControl=custom)
glmnet 353 samples 13 predictor No pre-processing Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 5 times) Summary of sample sizes: 316, 318, 318, 319, 317, 318, ... Resampling results across tuning parameters: lambda RMSE Rsquared MAE 0.000100 4.230700 0.7785841 3.025998 0.250075 4.447615 0.7579974 3.135095 0.500050 4.611916 0.7438984 3.285522 0.750025 4.688806 0.7406668 3.362630 1.000000 4.786658 0.7366188 3.445216
Tuning parameter ‘alpha’ was held constant at a value of 1
RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final values used for the model were alpha = 1 and lambda = 1e-04.
In this case, lambda is close to zero that is the best value.
Plot Results

plot(lasso$finalModel, xvar = 'lambda', label=T)

60% of variability explains based on only 3 variables.
plot(varImp(ridge, scale=T))

Just look at the important 3 variables in lasso regression.
What is mean by best Standard Deviation?
Elastic Net Regression
set.seed(1234) en <- train(medv~.,train, method='glmnet', tuneGrid=expand.grid(alpha=seq(0,1,length=10), lambda=seq(0.0001,1,length=5)),trControl=custom)
glmnet 353 samples 13 predictor No pre-processing Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 5 times) Summary of sample sizes: 316, 318, 318, 319, 317, 318, ... Resampling results across tuning parameters: alpha lambda RMSE Rsquared MAE 0.0000000 0.000100 4.242204 0.7782278 3.008339 0.0000000 0.250075 4.242204 0.7782278 3.008339 0.0000000 0.500050 4.242204 0.7782278 3.008339 0.0000000 0.750025 4.248536 0.7779462 3.012397 0.0000000 1.000000 4.265479 0.7770264 3.023091 0.1111111 0.000100 4.230292 0.7786226 3.025857 0.1111111 0.250075 4.239094 0.7778348 3.005382 0.1111111 0.500050 4.272822 0.7751270 3.024999 0.1111111 0.750025 4.314170 0.7719071 3.052562 0.1111111 1.000000 4.357845 0.7686150 3.085807 0.2222222 0.000100 4.230694 0.7785669 3.026161 0.2222222 0.250075 4.258991 0.7758849 3.015914 0.2222222 0.500050 4.330452 0.7695318 3.059968 0.2222222 0.750025 4.389640 0.7650387 3.106606 0.2222222 1.000000 4.443160 0.7613804 3.151750 0.3333333 0.000100 4.230795 0.7785677 3.026282 0.3333333 0.250075 4.285269 0.7732992 3.030452 0.3333333 0.500050 4.382444 0.7647643 3.096016 0.3333333 0.750025 4.457291 0.7590837 3.157815 0.3333333 1.000000 4.537080 0.7528068 3.229560 0.4444444 0.000100 4.230574 0.7785789 3.025987 0.4444444 0.250075 4.318752 0.7699550 3.049478 0.4444444 0.500050 4.426926 0.7608447 3.127902 0.4444444 0.750025 4.528733 0.7524128 3.216182 0.4444444 1.000000 4.610942 0.7461712 3.292246 0.5555556 0.000100 4.230656 0.7785681 3.026115 0.5555556 0.250075 4.353828 0.7665028 3.071586 0.5555556 0.500050 4.474680 0.7564421 3.164763 0.5555556 0.750025 4.591765 0.7464771 3.269433 0.5555556 1.000000 4.638309 0.7448745 3.323076 0.6666667 0.000100 4.230688 0.7785626 3.026161 0.6666667 0.250075 4.378865 0.7642222 3.087591 0.6666667 0.500050 4.522902 0.7518766 3.203910 0.6666667 0.750025 4.616421 0.7448532 3.295564 0.6666667 1.000000 4.668353 0.7434801 3.351792 0.7777778 0.000100 4.230768 0.7785606 3.026086 0.7777778 0.250075 4.400658 0.7622860 3.101157 0.7777778 0.500050 4.568780 0.7474490 3.243044 0.7777778 0.750025 4.636481 0.7438164 3.317472 0.7777778 1.000000 4.705950 0.7413472 3.383504 0.8888889 0.000100 4.230862 0.7785562 3.026279 0.8888889 0.250075 4.423849 0.7601929 3.117267 0.8888889 0.500050 4.599200 0.7446729 3.270369 0.8888889 0.750025 4.660298 0.7424824 3.338783 0.8888889 1.000000 4.746398 0.7389209 3.415104 1.0000000 0.000100 4.230700 0.7785841 3.025998 1.0000000 0.250075 4.447615 0.7579974 3.135095 1.0000000 0.500050 4.611916 0.7438984 3.285522 1.0000000 0.750025 4.688806 0.7406668 3.362630 1.0000000 1.000000 4.786658 0.7366188 3.445216 RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value. The final values used for the model were alpha = 0.1111111 and lambda = 1e-04.
Now you can see that alpha= 0.111 and lambda=1e-04.
Coefficient of variation example
Plot Results

plot(en$finalModel, xvar = 'lambda', label=T)

plot(en$finalModel, xvar = 'dev', label=T)


Compare Models
Now just compare the models we created,
Maximum number of units in an experimental design
model_list <- list(LinearModel=lm,Ridge=ridge,Lasso=lasso,ElasticNet=en) res <- resamples(model_list) summary(res)
Call: summary.resamples(object = res) Models: LinearModel, Ridge, Lasso, ElasticNet Number of resamples: 50 MAE Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. LinearModel 2.080208 2.767061 3.002455 3.032342 3.355281 Ridge 2.094151 2.736246 2.934350 3.008339 3.366834 Lasso 2.072408 2.764289 2.988132 3.025998 3.346437 ElasticNet 2.074008 2.762076 2.987955 3.025857 3.348605 Max. NA's LinearModel 3.874270 0 Ridge 3.971337 0 Lasso 3.882800 0 ElasticNet 3.882943 0 RMSE Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. LinearModel 2.673817 3.495197 3.998562 4.232220 4.751509 Ridge 2.478993 3.477912 4.169422 4.242204 4.759265 Lasso 2.650331 3.490881 3.993362 4.230700 4.748958 ElasticNet 2.650603 3.489053 3.993227 4.230292 4.747517 Max. NA's LinearModel 7.027551 0 Ridge 7.035089 0 Lasso 7.040494 0 ElasticNet 7.033125 0 Rsquared Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. LinearModel 0.4865769 0.7269864 0.7991104 0.7784880 0.8472274 Ridge 0.4796929 0.7339342 0.8018589 0.7782278 0.8459744 Lasso 0.4848588 0.7272700 0.8002386 0.7785841 0.8475939 ElasticNet 0.4855896 0.7271484 0.8002849 0.7786226 0.8476337 Max. NA's LinearModel 0.9128278 0 Ridge 0.9141020 0 Lasso 0.9138499 0 ElasticNet 0.9134723 0 Elastic Net regression model comes as best fit model based on RMSE.
Best Model
en$bestTune best <- en$finalModel coef(best, s = en$bestTune$lambda)
You can find out best coefficients based on above command.
p1 <- predict(fm, train) sqrt(mean((train$medv-p1)^2)) 4.108671 p2 <- predict(fm, test) sqrt(mean((test$medv-p2)^2)) 6.14675
If we look at the RMSE the lowest value coming in the elastic net model. Elastic Net regression model avoids multicollinearity issue and provides the best model.
Muy bueno pero:
Algunas instrucciones no fueron publicada. Por ejemplo para obtener gráfica Residuals vs Fitted. Ademas no se definió la variable «fm».
Que bueno que lo actualizaran con estos detalles.
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