
Learn statistics for Data Science, How to learn statistics quickly?,

Statistics is a mathematical body of science that pertains to the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data, or as a branch of mathematics.

According to R A Fisher statistics is “The science of statistics is essentially a branch of applied mathematics and may be regarded as mathematics applied to observational data”.

How to Learn statistics for Data Science quickly?

The quickest way to learn statistics is to play a quiz!. Any questions you answer incorrectly, immediately you can identify whether you are lacking knowledge in that area.

In the case of students, quizzes identify gaps in knowledge and highlight any areas that need more revision.

If you want to expertise in the field of Data Science or Statistics is one of the major parts you need to understand the same.

Quizzes help learn quickly, identify the gaps, and provide a different perspective.

If you want to learn statistics with the R programming language visit our tutorials. Always something new is important in day-to-day life.

R is open-source software. R programming allows you to practice a wide variety of statistical and visualization techniques like linear and nonlinear modeling, time-series analysis, classification, regression, statistical tests, etc..

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Why Quizzes?

  1. Keep learner’s engaged
  2. Self Assessment
  3. Instant Grading & Feedback
  4. Less Effort
  5. Unique Tests
  6. e-Learning


Central Tendency


Random Variable

Parametric Methods

Nonparametric Methods