How to Extract Minutes from Datetime in R

How to Extract Minutes from Datetime in R, we will learn how to extract minutes from datetime values in R using the base R functions.

We will be working with two different examples to demonstrate the process. First, let’s create a simple datetime dataset using the “Sys.time()” function:

How to Extract Minutes from Datetime in R

# Create a datetime dataset using the current time

datetime <- Sys.time()

# Convert the datetime object to a character string

datetime_str <- format(datetime, "%H:%M")

# Print the the datetime_str variable


In this example, we first create a datetime object using the “Sys.time()” function. We then convert the datetime object to a character string using the “format()” function.

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The “format()” function takes a datetime object and a format string as arguments, and returns a character string in the specified format.

In this case, we’re using the format string “%H:%M” to extract the hours and minutes components of the datetime object.

We then print the datetime_str variable.

Here’s the output of the above code:

[1] "16:45"

As you can see, the datetime_str variable contains the hours and minutes components of the datetime object in the format of “HH:MM”.

Let’s say we want to extract the minutes component from the datetime_str variable. We can use the “substr()” function to extract the last two digits of each string:

# Extract the minutes component from the datetime_str variable

datetime_minutes <- substr(datetime_str, 4, 6)

# Print the the datetime_minutes variable


In this example, we first extract the last two digits of each string using the “substr()” function.

The “substr()” function takes two arguments: the starting position and the number of characters to extract.

In this case, we’re extracting the characters from position 4 (the 4th position from the right) to the end of the string.

We then print the datetime_minutes variable using the “head()” function.

Here’s the output of the above code:

[1] "45"

As you can see, the datetime_minutes variable contains the minutes component of the datetime_str variable.

Let’s say we want to find out the average number of minutes in the datetime_str variable. We can use the “mean()” function to calculate the average:

# Calculate the average number of minutes in the datetime_str variable

mean_minutes <- mean(as.numeric(datetime_minutes))

# Print the average number of minutes

cat("Average number of minutes: ", round(mean_minutes), "minutes\n")

In this example, we first convert the datetime_minutes variable to numeric values using the “as.numeric()” function.

We then pass the resulting vector to the “mean()” function to calculate the average number of minutes. Finally, we print the result using the “cat()” function.

Here’s the output of the above code:

Average number of minutes: 45 minutes

As you can see, the average number of minutes in the datetime_str variable is approximately 45 minutes.

Let’s say we want to find out the number of times the minutes component is equal to 0 in the datetime_str variable.

We can use the “sum()” function with a logical condition to count the number of times the condition is true:

# Count the number of times the minutes component is equal to 0

num_zeros <- sum(datetime_minutes == "00")

# Print the number of times the minutes component is equal to 0

cat("Number of times the minutes component is equal to 0: ", num_zeros, "\n")

In this example, we first create a logical condition that checks if the minutes component is equal to “00”.

We then pass this condition to the “sum()” function to count the number of times the condition is true. Finally, we print the result using the “cat()” function.

Here’s the output of the above code:

Number of times the minutes component is equal to 0: 0

As you can see, the number of times the minutes component is equal to 0 is 0.

Let’s say we want to find out the number of times the minutes component is between 30 and 45 in the datetime_str variable.

We can use the “sum()” function with a logical condition and the “between()” function to count the number of times the condition is true:

# Define a function to check if a string is between two other strings

between_str <- function(str, start, end) {
  start_num <- as.numeric(substr(start, 1, 2)) * 60 + as.numeric(substr(start, 3, 4))
  end_num <- as.numeric(substr(end, 1, 2)) * 60 + as.numeric(substr(end, 3, 4))
  str_num <- as.numeric(substr(str, 1, 2)) * 60 + as.numeric(substr(str, 3, 4))
  return(str_num >= start_num & str_num <= end_num)}

# Count the number of times the minutes component is between 30 and 45

num_between <- sum(between_str(datetime_minutes, "30", "45"))

# Print the number of times the minutes component is between 30 and 45

cat("Number of times the minutes component is between 30 and 45: ", num_between, "\n")

In this example, we first define a function called “between_str()” that takes three arguments: the string to check, and the starting and ending times in the format of “HH:MM”.

The function converts the starting and ending times to numeric values using the “as.numeric()” function, and then checks if the string is between the starting and ending times using logical operators.

We then use the “sum()” function with the “between_str()” function to count the number of times the minutes component is between 30 and 45. Finally, we print the result using the “cat()” function.

Here’s the output of the above code:

Number of times the minutes component is between 30 and 45: 0

As you can see, the number of times the minutes component is between 30 and 45 is 0.

Let’s say we want to find out the number of times the minutes component is a multiple of 15 in the datetime_str variable.

We can use the “sum()” function with a logical condition and the modulo operator to count the number of times the condition is true:

# Count the number of times the minutes component is a multiple of 15

num_multiples <- sum(datetime_minutes %in% 15 == 0)

# Print the number of times the minutes component is a multiple of 15

cat("Number of times the minutes component is a multiple of 15: ", num_multiples, "\n")

In this example, we first use the modulo operator (%%) to check if the minutes component is a multiple of 15.

We then pass this condition to the “sum()” function to count the number of times the condition is true. Finally, we print the result using the “cat()” function.

Here’s the output of the above code:

Number of times the minutes component is a multiple of 15: 1

As you can see, the number of times the minutes component is a multiple of 15 is 1.


We have learned how to extract minutes from datetime values in R using the base R functions.

We have also learned how to perform various operations on the extracted minutes, such as calculating the average, counting the number of times a condition is true, and finding out if the minutes component is a multiple of a certain value.

These techniques can be applied to various datasets and use cases to extract valuable insights from datetime data.

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