Geometric Probability Distributions on Calculator

Geometric Probability Distributions on Calculator, Understanding geometric probability distributions can be crucial for statisticians and math enthusiasts alike.

If you’re using a TI-84 calculator, you can easily compute the probability mass functions (PMFs) and cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) for geometric distributions.

Geometric Probability Distributions on Calculator

This guide will walk you through the steps to utilize your TI-84 effectively.

What is a Geometric Distribution?

A geometric distribution models the number of trials required for the first success in a series of independent Bernoulli trials.

Each trial has only two outcomes: success or failure. The probability of success remains constant in each trial.

The key parameters to note are:

P(X=k) = (1-p)kp

  • p: Probability of success on each trial.
  • x: Number of trials until the first success.

The PMF and CDF are the two key functions you will calculate using your TI-84:

  • geometpdf(probability, trials)
  • geometcdf(probability, trials)

Utilizing the TI-84 Calculator

Step 1: Accessing the Distribution Functions

  1. Turn on your TI-84 calculator.
  2. Press the 2nd button, then VARS to access the distribution menu.
  3. Scroll down to find geometpdf for the PMF or geometcdf for the CDF.

Step 2: Calculating the PMF

To calculate the PMF, follow these steps:

  1. Select geometpdf from the distribution menu.
  2. Enter the probability of success (p).
  3. Input the number of trials (x).
  4. Press ENTER to see the result.

Example: If the probability of success (p) is 0.2 and you want to find the probability of success on the 3rd trial (x=3):

  • Select geometpdf(0.2, 3) and press ENTER.
  • The result will provide you the probability of achieving the first success on the third trial.

Step 3: Calculating the CDF

To compute the CDF, follow similar steps:

  1. From the distribution menu, select geometcdf.
  2. Input the probability of success (p).
  3. Enter the maximum number of trials (x).
  4. Press ENTER to view the result.

Example: To find the cumulative probability of achieving the first success within the first 4 trials (p=0.2 and x=4):

  • Input geometcdf(0.2, 4) and press ENTER.
  • The result will show the cumulative probability for the first success up to the 4th trial.


The TI-84 calculator is a powerful tool for computing geometric probability distributions.

By following the steps detailed in this guide, you can quickly and accurately evaluate PMF and CDF values for any geometric distribution scenario.

Mastering these calculations not only enhances your statistical skills but also prepares you for more complex probability problems.

For further insights into statistical calculations and tutorials, stay tuned to our blog!

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