Data Analysis Courses For Beginners-15 Online Courses

Data analysis courses for beginners, are you seeking the Best Data Science Online Courses?

If that’s the case, this article will put an end to your hunt. In this article, compiled a list of the 15 Best Online Data Science Courses.

These courses will help you improve your data science abilities. So go ahead and study the entire post before deciding on the Best Online Courses for you.

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As you know, there are a variety of courses and books that might assist you in your data science journey.

It can be tough to read novels at times. As a result, a variety of online courses are available. You may study advanced data science skills at your own speed with these courses.

This article will provide you with the 15 Best Online data analysis courses for beginners.

1. IBM Data Science Professional Certificate– Coursera

Provider- IBM

This is one of the most popular and well-received course series. This IBM Professional Certificate is for anyone interested in pursuing a career in Data Science.

There are nine courses in this curriculum. These nine courses will cover open source tools and libraries, methods, Python, databases, SQL, data visualization, data analysis, and machine learning, among other topics.

No prior experience in computer science or programming is required to begin the IBM Professional Certificate Program.

Let’s have a look at the talents you’ll get after completing this course:

Skills Gain:-

Data Science, Machine Learning, Python Programming, Data Analysis, Data Visualization (DataViz), Predictive Modelling, Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), SQL, Cloud Databases, Pandas, Numpy, and Ipython.

Hands-on assignments and built a portfolio of data science projects.


Jupyter/JupyterLab, Zeppelin notebooks, R Studio, Watson Studio

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Random album generator, Predict housing prices, Best classifier model, Battle of neighborhoods.

Courses include–This Specialization Program consists of 9 Courses-

What is Data Science?, Tools for Data Science, Data Science Methodology, Python for Data Science and AI, Databases and SQL for Data Science, Data Analysis with Python, Data Visualization with Python, Machine Learning with Python, Applied Data Science Capstone

You can also sign up for a specific course. You will also receive a shareable certificate after completing a single course. However, finishing the entire curriculum will benefit you.

Coursera will award you a Professional Certificate as an added bonus, IBM will issue you a Digital Badge, You will receive FREE career materials after earning the Professional Certificate.

Who Should Enroll in the Program?

Who is a Data Science newbie with no prior experience?

The person who wants to start a new career or alter their existing one.

2. Become a Data Scientist– Udacity

Udacity is offering a Nano-Degree Program. You will learn how to solve Data Science problems utilizing Python programming, Software Engineering skills, and Data Engineering skills in this Nanodegree program.

The nicest part of the Udacity Data Science Nanodegree is that it is more hands-on than other courses. That is, the Udacity data science Nanodegree is structured in such a way that you must submit a project following each set of classes.

You will work on the following projects as part of this Nanodegree program:

Build Disaster Response Pipelines with Figure Eight

Figure Eight is used to create disaster response pipelines, and IBM is used to create a recommendation engine.

You must select one of these projects for your Data Science Capstone Project, or you may select any other project.

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Dog Breed Classification( Neural Networks), Starbucks( Customer Segmentation), Arvato Financial Services (Likely Supervised Learning), Spark for Big Data (Customer churn with PySpark), Any other project of your choice.

Extra Benefits- You will have the opportunity to collaborate with industry experts on real-world projects.

Experienced reviewers will provide input on your project.

You’ll also have access to a technical mentor.

Who should sign up?

Those who are familiar with the principles below-

Python programming, which includes a number of popular data analysis packages (NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib), SQL programming language, Statistical data (Descriptive and Inferential), Linear Algebra Calculus, and Data wrangling and visualization experience.

3. Data Science Specialization– Coursera

Provider- Johns Hopkins University

This is one of the most popular and well-attended course series. There is a separate part on statistics in this course series. Statistics knowledge is also required for Data Science.

This Data Science specialty program is the ideal combination of theory and practice. For all Data Science jobs, the R programming language is employed.

Skills Gain-

Data Science, Machine Learning, R Programming, Rstudio, Github, Regression Analysis, Data Analysis, Data Manipulation, Data Cleansing, Cluster Analysis, Debugging, Regular Expression (REGEX).

Hands-on project using R Programming Language.

Courses include-

This Specialization Program consists of 10 Courses-

The Data Scientist’s Toolbox, R Programming, Getting and Cleaning Data, Exploratory Data Analysis, Reproducible Research, Statistical Inference, Regression Models, Practical Machine Learning, Developing Data Products, Data Science Capstone.

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You can also enroll in any of the 10 courses listed above. You will receive a certificate once you have completed the course and the hands-on project. However, finishing the entire curriculum will benefit you.

Extra Benefits- After finishing the Data Science specialization program, you will receive a Shareable Certificate.

Course Videos and Readings, Practice Quizzes, Graded Assignments with Peer Feedback, Graded Quizzes with Feedback, and Graded Programming Assignments are all included.

Who Should Enroll in the Program?

Who has a basic understanding of any programming language?

If you wish to master Data Science skills.

4. Applied Data Science with Python Specialization– Coursera

Provider- University of Michigan

The python programming language is used to teach data science in this specialty program.

You’ll learn how to use matplotlib, pandas, nltk, sci-kit-learn, and networks, among other data science Python tools.

This lecture series excludes statistics and several Machine Learning methods, which are required for Data Science. It focuses on Python’s implementation of these algorithms.

Consider the Statistics with Python Specialization if you wish to learn statistics first. You will master highly crucial statistical abilities that are required for data science in Statistics with Python Specialization.

Skills Gain-

Text Mining, Python Programming, Data Cleansing, Data Virtualization, Data Visualization (DataViz), Machine Learning (ML) Algorithms, Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)

Courses include-

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This Specialization Program consists of 5 Courses-

Introduction to Data Science in Python, Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python, Applied Machine Learning in Python, Applied Text Mining in Python, Applied Social Network Analysis in Python.

All 5 Courses are required to earn a certificate.

You will receive a Shareable Certificate as an added bonus.

Course Videos and Readings, Practice Quizzes, Graded Assignments with Peer Feedback, Graded Quizzes with Feedback, and Graded Programming Assignments are all included.

Who should sign up?

This is not a program for beginners. This program is open to those with intermediate-level data science knowledge.

The person who knows basic python or programming.

5. Programming for Data Science with Python– Udacity

Provider- Udacity

Udacity offers a Nanodegree program in this field. This Nanodegree program will teach you how to use Python data types and variables to represent and store data. Conditionals and loops will also be used to govern the flow of your scripts.

You can store collections of linked data using complicated data structures like lists, sets, dictionaries, and tuples. Numpy and Pandas, two excellent Python libraries, will also be covered.

What will you learn in Python Programming for Data Science?

Introduction to SQL, Introduction to Python Programming, Introduction to Version Control.

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Extra Benefits- You will have the opportunity to collaborate with industry experts on real-world projects.

Experienced reviewers will provide input on your project.

You’ll also have access to a technical mentor.

You will also receive Resume services, a Github evaluation, and a LinkedIn profile review.

Who should sign up?

Anyone with basic computer abilities can enroll in this class.

6. Data Science for Everyone– Datacamp

This is a beginner-friendly course that covers the fundamentals of data science, such as Introduction to Data Science, Data Science Workflow, Data Preparation, and Experimentation and Prediction.

This is another excellent course to start your data science adventure if you are a newbie.

This course is divided into four chapters.

Introduction to Data Science, Data Collection and Storage, Preparation, Exploration, and Visualization, Experimentation and Prediction

Who Should Enroll in the Program?

Who is a newbie in the field of data science?

7. Data Scientist with Python– Datacamp

There are 29 courses in this career path. If you want to learn everything there is to know about data science in one spot, this is the course for you. Python programming is the first step in this career path. Python will be taught from the ground up.

After studying Python, you’ll be able to manipulate data with pandas, visualize data with matplotlib and Seaborn, think statistically in Python, and perform machine learning, among other things. You will work on real-world challenges throughout these courses.

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Who Should Enroll in the Program?

Who is a complete novice in data science and is seeking a step-by-step data science career path?

8. Professional Certificate in Data Science– edX

Provider- Harvard University

You will learn probability, inference, regression, and machine learning in this curriculum. Along the way, you’ll pick up crucial skills like R programming, dplyr data manipulation, ggplot2 data visualization, Unix/Linux file management, git and GitHub version control, and RStudio repeatable document preparation.

Trends in World Health and Economics, US Crime Rates, The Financial Crisis of 2007-2008, Election Forecasting, Building a Baseball Team (inspired by Moneyball), and Movie Recommendation Systems are just a few of the case studies included in each course.

You will also study R, statistical ideas, and data analysis skills in addition to this. This curriculum includes classes. Now, let’s look at the specifics of the course.

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Course Specifics-

Data Science: R Basics, Data Science: Visualization, Data Science: Probability, Data Science: Inference & Modeling, Data Science: Productivity Tools, Data Science: Wrangling, Data Science: Linear Regression, Data Science: Machine Learning, Data Science: Capstone

Who Should Enroll in the Program?

Anyone is welcome to apply. There are no requirements.

9. MicroMasters® Program inData Science– edX

Provider- UCSanDiego

You will acquire the mathematical and computational tools that constitute the foundation of data science in this curriculum. You’ll also learn how to develop data-driven business recommendations with those tools.

There are two sides to data science learning in this program: mathematical and applied.

You will learn probability, statistics, and machine learning in the mathematics course. Python, Numpy, Matplotlib, pandas and Scipy, the Jupyter notebook environment, and Apache Spark will all be covered in depth.

There are four courses in this curriculum. Now, let’s look at the specifics of the courses.

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Courses Specific:-

Python for Data Science, Probability & Statistics in Data Science using Python, Machine Learning Fundamentals, Big data analytics using Spark.

Who Should Enroll in the Program?

Who is conversant with programming languages and has a working knowledge of high school math?

10. The Data Science Course 2020: Complete Data Science Bootcamp– Udemy

This is the best Udemy course I’ve found. Because this course strives to cover practically all of the necessary topics in data science, this is the case. Introduction to data science, statistics, and mathematics essential for data science, Python, Tableau, machine learning, and deep learning are all covered in this course.

You will receive a Certificate of Completion as an added bonus.

You will also have lifetime access to the course materials.

Who Should Enroll in the Program?

Who is a novice in the field of data science?

11. Business Analytics Specialization– Coursera

Provider- University of Pennsylvania

For all business professionals, this Specialization program provides an introduction to big data analytics. You don’t need any prior experience in data analytics to apply.

You’ll learn how to predict business decisions in marketing, human resources, finance, and operations, among other areas.

There are five courses in this curriculum.

Acquiring new skills-

Business Analytics, Customer Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Regression Analysis, Marketing Performance, Measurement & Management, Simulation, Mathematical Optimization, Performance Management, Talent Management

The following are the courses included in this Specialization Program.

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Customer Analytics, Operations Analytics, People Analytics, Accounting Analytics, Business Analytics Capstone

You will receive a Shareable Certificate as an added bonus.

Course Videos and Readings, Practice Quizzes, Graded Assignments with Peer Feedback, Graded Quizzes with Feedback, and Graded Programming Assignments are all included.

Who Should Enroll in the Program?

Who wants to learn more about the applications of big data and analytics? Customer analytics, human resources, talent management (people analytics), operations, and finance are just a few examples.

Whoever wants to use data analytics to develop new business strategies or better their own operations.

Who is a complete novice with no prior business or analytics expertise or experience?

12. Data Engineering, Big Data, and Machine Learning on GCP Specialization– Coursera

Provider- Google Cloud

This Google Cloud Specialization program provides a hands-on introduction to designing and constructing data pipelines on the Google Cloud Platform. It includes presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on experiments.

How to design and build data pipelines on Google Cloud Platform is a skill that you will gain.

How to use Cloud Dataproc to lift and relocate your existing Hadoop workloads to the cloud.

You’ll learn how to work with batch and streaming data.

How to use Data Fusion and Cloud Composer to manage your data pipelines.

You’ll learn how to use Google BigQuery to get business insights from massive datasets.

The following are some of the courses available:

There are five courses in this Specialization Program.

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Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals, Modernizing Data Lakes and Data Warehouses with GCP, Building Batch Data Pipelines on GCP, Building Resilient Streaming Analytics Systems on GCP, Smart Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI on GCP.

You will receive a Shareable Certificate as an added bonus.

Course Videos and Readings, Practice Quizzes, Graded Assignments with Peer Feedback, Graded Quizzes with Feedback, and Graded Programming Assignments are all included.

Who Should Enroll in the Program?

Who has a basic understanding of data science?

13. Python Certification Training for Data Science– Edureka

Provider– Edureka

This certification program will teach you how to program in Python and understand Data Science from the ground up. This course will teach you the fundamentals of Python, including data operations, file operations, object-oriented programming, and Python libraries.

You will learn the following skills:

Introduction to Python, Sequences and File Operations, Deep Dive – Functions, OOPs, Modules, Errors, and Exceptions, Introduction to NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib, Data Manipulation, Introduction to Machine Learning with Python, Supervised Learning – I, Dimensionality Reduction, Supervised Learning – II, Unsupervised Learning, Association Rules Mining and Recommendation Systems, Reinforcement Learning, Time Series Analysis, Model Selection and Boosting.

You will receive Edureka’s Python for Data Science Professional Certificate as an added bonus.

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You’ll have lifetime access to the Learning Management System, which includes class presentations, quizzes, installation manuals, and recorded classes.

You will have lifetime access to our online assistance, which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You’ll also get access to the international community forum.

Who Should Enroll in the Program?

Who knows the fundamentals of computer programming languages.

Programmers, Developers, Technical Leads, and Architects are all terms used to describe people who work in the IT industry.

Developers interested in pursuing a career as a “Machine Learning Engineer”

Machine Learning (ML) Techniques are of interest to business analysts.

14. Data Scientist Masters Program– Edureka

Provider– Edureka

Statistics, Data Science, Python, Apache Spark & Scala, Tensorflow, and Tableau are all covered in this Data Scientist Masters Program.

Total there are 12 courses in total. Because it covers practically every area in Data Science, this Masters’s Program will make you a master.

The following are some of the courses available:

Python Statistics for Data Science Course, R Statistics for Data Science Course, Data Science Certification Training, Python Certification Training for Data Science, Apache Spark and Scala Certification Training, AI & Deep Learning with TensorFlow, Tableau Training & Certification, Data Science Master Program Capstone Project

Along with that, there are some FREE Elective Courses-

SQL Essentials Training & Certification, R Programming Certification Training, Python Programming Certification Training, Scala Essentials, MongoDB® Training, And Certification.

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You will receive a Master’s Course Certification as an added bonus.

Presentations, quizzes, and installation manuals will be available to you for the rest of your life.

You will also be assigned a Personal Learning Manager who will assist you with all of your questions.

Who should sign up?

Anyone who is interested in becoming a Data Scientist, whether they are a seasoned IT expert or an aspiring Data Scientist, can enroll.

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15. Career Path Data Science– Codecademy

This is yet another excellent Data Science course. Let’s take a look at what you’ll learn in that course:

What Will You Learn in Data Science as a Career Path?

The Value of Data and SQL Fundamentals

SQL: Basics, SQL: Intermediate, Go Off-Platform with SQL, Analyze Real Data with SQL, Python Functions and, Logic, Python Lists and Loops, Advanced Python, Python Cumulative Project, Learn Data Analysis with Pandas, Data Visualization, Data Visualization Capstone Projects, Learn Statistics with Python, Learn Statistics with NumPy, Hypothesis Testing with SciPy, How to Clean Data with Python, Data Analysis Capstone Projects, Learn Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup, Machine Learning: Supervised Learning with Cumulative Project, Machine Learning: Unsupervised Learning with Cumulative Project, Perceptrons and Neural Nets, Machine Learning Capstone Project, Natural Language Processing.

Who should sign up?

Those who are new to the field of data science.

Those interested in pursuing a career as a data scientist or data analyst.

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