How to remove Scientific Notation in R

How to remove Scientific Notation in R, To disable scientific notation in R, use the following methods:

The examples below demonstrate how to utilize each of these strategies in practice.

Method 1: As a global setting, disable scientific notation


Assume we use R to execute the following multiplication.

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multiply the numbers

x <- 9989599999 * 59785645
[1] 5.972347e+17

Because the number is so large, the output is given in scientific notation.

The code below demonstrates how to disable scientific notation in a global setting. This means that no variable will be displayed in scientific notation in any output.

For all variables, turn off scientific notation.

x <- 9989599999 * 59785645
[1] 597234679232214400

Since we switched off scientific notation, the complete number is displayed.

Because the default value for scipen is 0, you can use options(scipen=0) in R to reset this global setting.

Now return to scientific notation

x <- 9989599999 * 59785645
1] 5.972347e+17

Method 2: How to remove Scientific Notation in R for one variable

format(x, scientific = F)

The code below demonstrates how to disable scientific notation for a single variable.

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Now we can perform multiplication

x <- 9989599999 * 59785645
1] 5.972347e+17

show the results and change the scientific notation

format(x, scientific = F)
[1] "597234679232214400"

The variable is shown without scientific notation because it was the variable on which the format() function was called.

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