R Plot pch Symbols: Different point shapes in R
R plot pch symbols, In this tutorial we are going to describe different pch values in R. The plotting argument used to specify point shapes is pch.
Let’s install the ggpubr
package from cran, and then plot different shapes in R.
#install.packages("ggpubr") ggpubr::show_point_shapes()

R Plot pch Symbols
The 25 different points symbols are commonly used in R for making beautiful graphs.
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- pch = 0,square
- pch = 1,circle
- pch = 2,triangle point up
- pch = 3,plus
- pch = 4,cross
- pch = 5,diamond
- pch = 6,triangle point down
- pch = 7,square cross
- pch = 8,star
- pch = 9,diamond plus
- pch = 10,circle plus
- pch = 11,triangles up and down
- pch = 12,square plus
- pch = 13,circle cross
- pch = 14,square and triangle down
- pch = 15, filled square
- pch = 16, filled circle
- pch = 17, filled triangle point-up
- pch = 18, filled diamond
- pch = 19, solid circle
- pch = 20,bullet (smaller circle)
- pch = 21, filled circle blue
- pch = 22, filled square blue
- pch = 23, filled diamond blue
- pch = 24, filled triangle point-up blue
- pch = 25, filled triangle point down blue
Let create a default plot pch = 1 (empty circle)
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plot(x = mtcars$mpg, y = mtcars$disp, frame = FALSE, xlab = "MPG", ylab = "DISP")

As mentioned above, we can change different pch values.
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Change plot symbol to pch = 8 (star)
plot(x = mtcars$mpg, y = mtcars$disp, frame = FALSE, xlab = "MPG", ylab = "DISP", pch = 8)

If you want to change the color and the size of points, use the following arguments
- col: For example, col = “red” or col = “#FF0000”.
- cex: the size of point symbols. Numeric values, 1=default, 1.5 is 50% larger, 0.5 is 50% smaller, etc.
For making attractive plots you can make use of bg and lwd arguments also.
- bg: plot background color
- lwd: ine width relative to the default (default=1). 2 is twice as wide
If you want to know more about lwd check it here
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Change color and background
plot(x = mtcars$mpg, y = mtcars$disp, frame = FALSE, xlab = "MPG", ylab = "DISP", pch = 8, col = "#FF0000")

Use pch = 21 and change border line width (lwd), and background color (bg)
plot(x = mtcars$mpg, y = mtcars$disp, frame = FALSE, xlab = "MPG", ylab = "DISP", pch = 21, bg = "red", col = "black", lwd = 0.9, cex = 1.5)

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