Tagged: Tutorials

Effect Sizes for T-Test and ANOVA

Effect Sizes for T-Test and ANOVA, Effect sizes are the most important outcome of empirical studies. They provide a standardized metric that allows researchers to communicate the practical significance of their results, draw meta-analytic...

Essential Python Libraries for Statistics

R or Python may be more comfortable for you if you’re exploring the statistical world. Python is an easy-to-learn and versatile language for statistical research. Although fundamental tasks are covered by Python’s built-in statistics...

Mastering the map() Function in R

Mastering the map() Function in R, available in the purrr package, is a powerful tool in R that enables you to apply a function to each element in a vector or list and return...

Convert a continuous variable to a categorical in R

Convert a continuous variable to a categorical in R, it’s often necessary to convert it to categorical data for further analysis or visualization. One effective way to do so is by using the discretize()...

Error in FUN(X[[i]] …) object X not found

Error in FUN(X[[i]] …) object X not found, Reproducing and Debugging the “Error in FUN(X[[i]], …) : object not found” when Using geom_path in ggplot2 Error in FUN(X[[i]] …) object X not found When...

Descriptive Statistics in R

Descriptive Statistics in R: A Step-by-Step Guide Descriptive statistics are a crucial part of data analysis, as they provide a snapshot of the central tendency and variability of a dataset. In R, there are...

Divide data into groups in R

Divide data into groups in R, we will learn how to use the split and unsplit functions in R to divide and reassemble vectors into groups. These functions are useful when you need to...

Locate the pattern in R

Locate the first pattern in R, we will explore how to use the str_locate and str_locate_all functions in R to locate the position of patterns in a character string. These functions are part of...