Effect Sizes for T-Test and ANOVA

Effect Sizes for T-Test and ANOVA, Effect sizes are the most important outcome of empirical studies.

They provide a standardized metric that allows researchers to communicate the practical significance of their results, draw meta-analytic conclusions, and plan future studies.

Effect Sizes for T-Test and ANOVA

In this article, we will provide a practical primer on how to calculate and report effect sizes for t-tests and ANOVAs, with a focus on within-subjects designs.

Why Effect Sizes are Important

Effect sizes are essential for cumulative science because they allow researchers to compare results across studies and draw conclusions about the magnitude of effects.

They also provide a standardized metric that can be used to communicate the practical significance of results to a broader audience.

The Difference between Within- and Between-Subjects Designs

Within-subjects designs involve collecting data from the same participants multiple times, while between-subjects designs involve collecting data from different participants.

The choice of design depends on the research question and the goals of the study.

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Calculating Effect Sizes

There are several ways to calculate effect sizes, including Cohen’s d and eta squared (η2).

Cohen’s d is a standardized mean difference that can be used to compare effects across studies. Eta squared (η2) is a measure of the proportion of variance explained by an effect.

Cohen’s d

Cohen’s d is a standardized mean difference that can be used to compare effects across studies. It is calculated as follows:

ds = (X¯1 - X¯2) / (SD1 + SD2)

Where X¯1 and X¯2 are the means of the two groups, SD1 and SD2 are the standard deviations of the two groups, and n1 and n2 are the sample sizes of the two groups.

Eta Squared (η2)

Eta squared (η2) is a measure of the proportion of variance explained by an effect. It is calculated as follows:

η2 = (SSbetween) / (SStotal)

Where SSbetween is the sum of squares between groups and SStotal is the sum of squares total.

Reporting Effect Sizes

Summary of d family effect sizes, standardizers, and their recommended use.

Cohen’s dpopσ (population)Independent groups, use in power analyses when population σ is known, σ calculated with n
Cohen’s dsPooled SDIndependent groups, use in power analyses when population σ is unknown, σ calculated with n-1
Hedges’ gPooled SDIndependent groups, corrects for bias in small samples, report for use in meta-analyses
Glass’s ΔSD pre measurement or control conditionIndependent groups, use when experimental manipulation might affect the SD
Hedges’ gav(SD1 + SD2)/2Correlated groups, report for use in meta-analyses (generally recommended over Hedges’ grm)
Hedges’ grmSD difference scores corrected for correlationCorrelated groups, report for use in meta-analyses (more conservative then Hedges’ gav)
Cohen’s dzSD difference scoresCorrelated groups, use in power analyses

Researchers should give adequate details when reporting effect sizes so that other researchers can understand the findings.

Standard deviations, mean differences, and sample size are all provided in this manner.

Summary of r family effect sizes and their recommended use.

ES (Biased)ES (Less Biased)Use
eta squared (μ2)omega squared (ω2)Use for comparisons of effects within a single study
eta squared (μ2p)omega squared (ω2p)Utilize in power analyses and effect size comparisons between research projects using identical experimental designs.
Generalized eta squared (μ2G)Generalized omega squared (ω2G)Use in meta-analyses to compare across experimental designs

Realistic Aspects

There are various practical factors that researchers should take into account when planning a study. Among them are:

  • The amount of data needed in the sample to reach the desired level of statistical power
  • The necessary effect size to attain a specific degree of statistical power
  • The statistical test’s significance criteria
  • The kind of statistical test that was applied


To sum up, effect size calculations and reporting are critical to cumulative science.

Effect sizes promote cooperation and communication among researchers by offering standardized measurements that let them compare findings from different studies.

Researchers can make sure that their results are communicated in a way that promotes cumulative science by adhering to these useful principles.

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