Relative Frequencies on TI-84 Calculator

Relative Frequencies on TI-84 Calculator, Relative frequencies provide valuable insights into how often specific events occur compared to the overall number of events in a dataset.

Relative Frequencies on TI-84 Calculator

This metric is essential in data analysis, as it allows you to understand the distribution of different categories within your data.

Example: Item Sales by Price Range

Let’s consider a real-world example from a shop that sold items across various price ranges over a week. Here’s a summary table of the sales data:

Item PriceFrequencyRelative Frequency

In total, 66 items were sold. The relative frequency for each price range is calculated by dividing the frequency of that range by the total items sold.

  • For the price range of 10, the calculation is:
    Relative Frequency = ( \frac{20}{66} \approx 0.303 )
  • For the price range of 20, it’s:
    Relative Frequency = ( \frac{21}{66} \approx 0.318 )

This process continues for each price category.

How to Calculate Relative Frequencies on a TI-84 Calculator

Calculating relative frequencies can be efficiently done using a TI-84 calculator. Here’s a straightforward, step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Enter the Data

Begin by entering your frequency data into the calculator.

  1. Press the STAT button.
  2. Select EDIT.
  3. Input your values in column L1 (this will be your frequency data).

Step 2: Calculate the Relative Frequencies

Now, it’s time to compute the relative frequencies. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the top of column L2.
  2. Enter the following formula: Press 2nd, then 1 to input “L1” into your formula.
    Next, press the division key ÷.
    Then press 2nd, STAT, scroll over to “MATH”, and select 5 to input “sum(”.
    Press 2nd, then 1 again to include “L1” within the sum.
    Finally, close the parentheses with ).
  3. Your formula should look like this:
    L1 / sum(L1)
  4. Press ENTER, and the relative frequencies will populate in column L2.

Interpreting Your Results

Once you have performed the calculations, you will see the relative frequencies for each price range:

  • The relative frequency for the price group 10 is approximately 0.303.
  • The relative frequency for 20 is around 0.318.
  • For 30, it is about 0.197.
  • For 40, the value is roughly 0.121.
  • And finally, for 50, it stands at approximately 0.061.


Understanding relative frequencies helps in many analytical scenarios by showing how individual categories compare to the total.

Remember that the sum of all relative frequencies should equal 1, reinforcing the concept of proportionality within your data.

Using this guide, you can easily derive the relative frequencies of your own datasets and gain a deeper understanding of your data’s distribution!

Variance on Calculator: A Comprehensive Guide » FINNSTATS

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