R transform function with Example

R transform() function is used to manipulate data. The first variable is converted to a data frame.

This function is used to quickly and easily transform or modify the data frame.

R transform Syntax:

transform(data, value)


data: The data frame that will be changed

value: the data’s new updated value

We’ll start by creating a data frame with some random values.

For this R programming tutorial, the following data is utilized as a foundation.

Example 1:-Adding values into Existing variable

data<-data.frame(x1 = 1:10, x2 = 10:1)
   x1 x2
1   1 10
2   2  9
3   3  8
4   4  7
5   5  6
6   6  5
7   7  4
8   8  3
9   9  2
10 10  1
transformeddata <- transform(data, x1 = x1 + 1)
    x1 x2
1   2 10
2   3  9
3   4  8
4   5  7
5   6  6
6   7  5
7   8  4
8   9  3
9  10  2
10 11  1

We have added the value 1 to each of the members of variable x1 in the output, as you can see. A simple and powerful way to transform variables in data.frames!

Example 2:- Adding New Variable

Let’s try to add a new variable x3 into the existing data frame.

transformeddata2 <- transform(data, x3 = c(20:11))
  x1 x2 x3
1   1 10 20
2   2  9 19
3   3  8 18
4   4  7 17
5   5  6 16
6   6  5 15
7   7  4 14
8   8  3 13
9   9  2 12
10 10  1 11

We’re adding a new variable x3 to the prior data in the code above.

How to perform Rolling Correlation in R »

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