Online Course R Statistics: Statistics with R

Online course r statistics,  the way analysts used to mine data has changed thanks to data science technology. It is without a doubt R is one of the most widely used languages among data scientists all around the world.

A lot of data science job possibilities are being produced every day as a result of the big data boom, and knowing R programming will help you advance your career as a data scientist.

Online Course R Statistics

There are numerous resources available when searching for an R programming course or class. We have hand-selected the highest-quality R programming courses available online.

1. Statistics with R Specialization

Duke University

With the use of R, this specialized program will provide you with an in-depth statistics understanding. This class will teach you how to analyze and visualize data in R, as well as how to build reproducible data analysis reports.

When it comes to statistical operations, R is far superior to Python. So, if you want to learn Statistics, this specialty degree is for you. There are five courses in this specialty program.

2. Statistician with R


Datacamp offers a Career Track in this area. There are 27 courses in this professional path. This career path will assist you in gaining the necessary abilities to work as a statistician. You will master basic to advanced statistical principles in this career path.

You’ll learn how to collect, analyze, and draw accurate conclusions from data at the start of the career track, as well as concepts like random variables, distributions, and conditioning, as well as how to fit simple linear and logistic regressions, how to fit model binomial data with logistic regression and count data with Poisson regression, and more.

Then you’ll learn about sampling, hypothesis testing, basic experimental design, A/B testing, missing data, survey design, survival analysis, Bayesian data analysis, Factor Analysis, and more.

3. Statistical Analysis with R for Public Health Specialization

Imperial College London

The Statistical Analysis for Public Health is the focus of this specialized degree. You will learn essential statistical concepts such as sampling, uncertainty, variation, missing values, and distributions in this curriculum.

Along with that, you’ll use R to analyze data sets addressing several major public health issues, such as fruit and vegetable consumption and cancer, diabetes risk factors, and predictors of death after heart failure hospitalization.

4. Statistics Fundamentals with R– Datacamp

Datacamp offers a Skill Track in this area. There are five courses in this skill track. This skill track will teach you how to use sales data to answer questions like “what is the possibility of someone purchasing your product?” and “how many calls will your support team receive?”

Linear regression and logistic regression, the two most often used statistical models, will also be covered. And how to use numerous explanatory variables in linear and logistic regression. After that, you’ll study sampling and hypothesis testing.

5. Applied Statistical Modeling for Data Analysis in R


This course will teach you how to use R programming to learn statistical approaches. You’ll learn how to utilize R programming to accomplish statistical data analysis and visualization tasks for data modeling in this course.

You’ll also learn how to figure out which statistical techniques are suitable for your data and queries. Implementation of linear modeling approaches, advanced regression analysis, and multivariate analysis are all covered by the instructor.

6. Data Analysis with R


This is a fully free course that will teach you how to use R programming to perform data analysis. The course starts with an overview of exploratory data analysis (EDA). After that, you’ll learn the fundamentals of R by installing RStudio and packages.

After that, you’ll use EDA to figure out how a variable’s distribution works and to look for anomalies and outliers. To make sense of a pseudo-data collection of Facebook members, you’ll also learn how to quantify and display specific variables inside a data set.

You will work on the Diamonds and Price Predictions project in this course. In this project, you’ll look at the diamond data set and discover how predictive modeling can help us figure out what good diamond pricing is.

7. Data Science: Statistics and Machine Learning Specialization

Johns Hopkins University

Another Specialization program devoted to statistics principles is this one. You will learn statistical inference, regression models, machine learning, and data product development in this curriculum.

You’ll work on a Capstone Project at the end of the program, where you’ll put your newfound abilities to use by creating a data product based on real-world data. The R programming language is used in this specialization program.

8. Statistics and Statistics with R Tutorials


This lesson will teach you how to use R Stats Software for beginners, as well as provide tutorials on numerous statistical ideas.

You’ll also learn how to download and install R and RStudio, import data into R, export data out of R, get started working with R, descriptive statistics in R, parametric and non-parametric bivariate hypothesis testing using R software, and more.

The list comes to an end here. I hope that these Best Statistics with R Online Courses will assist you in learning R Programming. I recommend that you save this page for future reference. It’s now time to finish things up.


We attempted to include all of the Best Statistics using R Online Courses in this article.

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