Category: R

Display the structure in R

Display the structure in R, we will demonstrate how to use the str() function in R to print the structure of a data object. We will cover three examples: displaying the structure of a...

Convert characters to time in R

Convert characters to time in R, we will explore how to convert characters to time objects and vice versa using the strptime and strftime functions in R. These functions are part of the base...

 Identify positions in R

 Identify positions in R, we will explore how to use the str_subset and str_which functions in R to filter and find patterns in character strings. These functions are part of the stringr package, which...

Wrap a character string in R

Wrap a character string in R, we will explore how to use the str_wrap function in R to wrap a character string into nicely formatted paragraphs. This function is part of the stringr package,...

Duplicate and concatenate in R

Duplicate and concatenate in R, we will explore how to use the str_dup function in R to duplicate and concatenate strings within a character vector. The str_dup function is part of the stringr package,...

Locate position of patterns in a character string in R

Locate position of patterns in a character string in R, we will learn how to use the str_locate and str_locate_all functions in R to locate the position of patterns in a character string. These...

Sort or Order Rank in R

Sort or Order Rank in R with sort(), order(), and rank() Functions. We will learn how to sort data in R using the sort(), order(), and rank() functions. These functions are essential for data...

Divide data into groups in R

Divide data into groups in R, we will learn how to use the split and unsplit functions in R to divide and reassemble vectors into groups. These functions are useful when you need to...

Locate the pattern in R

Locate the first pattern in R, we will explore how to use the str_locate and str_locate_all functions in R to locate the position of patterns in a character string. These functions are part of...

Extract certain rows of data set in R

Extract certain rows of data set in R, we will learn how to extract specific rows of a data set using the slice function of the dplyr package in R. This function is useful...

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