Category: R

Export output as text in R

Export output as text in R, The sink function in R is used to redirect the output of the console to a file or a connection. This allows you to capture the output of...

Positive or Negative in R

Positive or Negative in R, we will learn how to use the sign function in R to determine whether a numeric value is positive or negative. The sign function returns the signs of numeric...

Cross product of transpose of matrix in R

Cross product of transpose of matrix in R, you’ll learn how to calculate matrix cross products using the crossprod and tcrossprod functions. The cross product of a matrix and its transpose is a fundamental...

sweep function in R

sweep function in R applies an operation to a data matrix by row or column. The function takes five arguments: x, MARGIN, STATS, FUN, and any additional arguments. The sweep function in R is...

Logistic Function in R

Logistic Function in R, Here is a rewritten version of the article with the codes included: Logistic Functions in R: A Tutorial In this tutorial, we will explore the logistic functions in R, including...

Extract columns of data frame in R

Extract columns of data frame in R, The pull() function in R’s dplyr package allows users to extract columns from a data frame or tibble. Extract columns of data frame in R This article...

optim Function in R

optim Function in R, we will explore how to apply a general-purpose optimization using the optim function in R programming language. We will create example data and then demonstrate the usage of the optim...

Compare numeric vectors in R

Compare numeric vectors in R, we explore the usage of the ‘near’ function from the ‘dplyr’ package in R programming. The article is divided into two examples, with the first one demonstrating the basic...

Extract values from vector in R: dplyr

Extract values from vector in R, we will delve into extracting specific values from a vector using the nth, first, and last functions from the dplyr package in R programming language. The article is...

Clean Up Memory in R

Clean Up Memory in R, In the world of data analysis and programming, managing memory efficiently is crucial to ensure the smooth execution of your R scripts. As you work with large datasets or...