“Not Equal” Operator in DAX for Power BI

“Not Equal” Operator in DAX for Power BI: A Detailed Guide, Power BI is a powerful business analytics tool that helps to visualize data and share insights across your organization.

One of the essential skills for any Power BI user is understanding how to manipulate data using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), including utilizing operators like “not equal” (<>).

“Not Equal” Operator in DAX for Power BI: A Detailed Guide

In this guide, we’ll explore how to apply the “not equal” operator in DAX through practical examples, allowing you to enhance your data analysis capabilities.

Understanding the “Not Equal” Operator in DAX

The “not equal” operator, represented as <>, is used in DAX to filter out results that do not match a specified value.

This operator is crucial when creating new columns or tables that require conditional logic based on the absence of certain data entries.

How to Use the “Not Equal” Operator

There are two primary methods to use the “not equal” operator in DAX:

  1. Creating a New Column
  2. Creating a New Table

Let’s delve into each method with practical examples to illustrate their application.

Method 1: Use <> to Create a New Column


Suppose you have a table named my_data containing information about various basketball players, including their respective teams.

You want to create a new column that classifies players based on whether they are on Team B or not.

Steps to Create a New Column

  1. Launch Power BI: Open your Power BI Desktop and ensure that your dataset (my_data) is available.
  2. Table Tools Tab: Go to the Table tools tab in the menu bar.
  3. New Column: Click on the ‘New column’ icon.
  4. DAX Formula: In the formula bar, enter the following DAX expression:
   Team Classification =
   IF('my_data'[Team] <> "B", "Not on Team B", "On Team B")
  1. View the Results: This formula evaluates each row in the Team column, returning “Not on Team B” if the team is not equal to “B” and “On Team B” if it is.


The result will be a new column, named Team Classification, containing strings that help you easily identify which players are on Team B and which are not.

This classification can be used in visualizations and further analysis.

Method 2: Use <> to Create a New Table


Now, let’s say you want to filter your dataset to create a new table that includes only the players who are not on Team B.

Steps to Create a New Table

  1. Table Tools Tab: Again, navigate to the Table tools tab in Power BI.
  2. New Table: Click on the ‘New table’ icon.
  3. DAX Formula: In the formula bar, input the following DAX code:
   filtered_data =
   CALCULATETABLE('my_data', 'my_data'[Team] <> "B")
  1. Analyze the New Table: This command generates a new table named filtered_data, retaining only those rows where the Team column does not equal “B”.


Your new filtered_data table will consist solely of players that are not affiliated with Team B. This filtered table can serve as a foundation for focused analysis and reporting.


The “not equal” operator (<>) is an invaluable tool in DAX, enabling users to manipulate data efficiently by excluding specific entries.

Whether you are creating a new column to classify data or generating a filtered table for analysis, mastering this operator can significantly enhance your Power BI experience.

By following the detailed examples provided, you can easily implement this operator and leverage its capabilities in your own datasets.

For Power BI users looking to deepen their understanding of DAX, experimenting with logical operators like “not equal” is a crucial step.

Feel free to share this guide with your colleagues or explore further DAX functions to develop your data analysis skills even more!

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