Tagged: Course

How to Use Spread Function in R

How to Use Spread Function in R, A key-value pair can be “spread” across numerous columns using the tidyr package’s spread() function. The basic syntax used by this function is as follows. Free Data...

List in the Python programming language

List in the Python programming language, a list is a collection of items. In this Python tutorial, you will learn how to use the List function in Python. You will have a complete understanding...

How to interpret Margin of Error Results?

How to interpret Margin of Error Results, In statistics, the margin of error is used to determine how accurate a population proportion or population mean estimate is. When constructing confidence intervals for population parameters,...

Classification Problem in Machine Learning

Classification Problem in Machine Learning, We’ll discuss classification in this post when the response variable contains two or more values. And, in fact, this is a very prevalent problem, perhaps even more so than...

How to learn Big Data for Beginners?

How to learn big data for beginners, before we go into the Big Data step-by-step roadmap, let’s talk about what “Big Data” is. What exactly is “Big Data?” Big data, as the term implies,...