T Critical Value on a TI-84 Calculator: A Step-by-Step Guide

T Critical Value on a TI-84 Calculator, Conducting statistical tests is a crucial part of data analysis, and one of the common tests used is the t-test.

To determine whether the results of a t-test are statistically significant, you need to compare the test statistic to a T critical value.

For those who use the TI-84 calculator, finding the T critical value is straightforward.

This article will guide you through the process.

What is a T Critical Value?

A T critical value is a cutoff point that determines whether a test statistic indicates a statistically significant result.

If the absolute value of the test statistic exceeds the T critical value, the null hypothesis can be rejected, indicating that the results are statistically significant.

Steps to Find the T Critical Value on a TI-84 Calculator

To find the T critical value on a TI-84 calculator, you’ll use the invT function. Here are the detailed steps:

1. Access the invT Function

  • Press the 2nd button on your TI-84 calculator.
  • Then press VARS to access the DISTR menu.

2. Input the Parameters

The invT function requires two parameters: probability and degrees of freedom.

  • Probability: This is the significance level (α) of your test.
  • Degrees of Freedom (v): This is typically calculated as the sample size minus one (n – 1).

The syntax for the invT function is: invT(probability, v)

3. Calculate the T Critical Value

Here are examples for different types of tests:

  • Left-Tailed Test: For a left-tailed test with α = 0.05 and degrees of freedom = 11, enter invT(.05, 11). The calculator will return approximately -1.7959.
  • Right-Tailed Test: For a right-tailed test with α = 0.05 and degrees of freedom = 24, enter invT(1-.05, 24). The result will be approximately 1.71088.
  • Two-Tailed Test: For a two-tailed test with α = 0.05 and degrees of freedom = 13, enter invT(.05/2, 13). The calculator will return two critical values: approximately -2.1604 and 2.1604.


Finding the T critical value is a simple process once you know the steps and parameters required.

Whether you are conducting left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed tests, the invT function on the TI-84 makes it easy to determine the critical values needed for your analysis.

This can help you ascertain the statistical significance of your test results, allowing for more accurate and reliable conclusions in your data analysis.

Feel free to adjust any part of this article to better fit your needs! If you have more topics or questions, let me know.

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