Summary Tables in Power BI

Summary Tables in Power BI, DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) is a powerful formula language used for creating custom calculations.

One of the most useful combinations of DAX functions is the use of SUMMARIZE together with FILTER. This allows you to create compact summary tables based on specific conditions.

Summary Tables in Power BI

This article will guide you through using these functions effectively.

Understanding the Functions

SUMMARIZE: This function is used to create a summary table based on a specified set of columns. It can group data and perform aggregations to produce a new table.

FILTER: This function returns a table that has been filtered based on a given condition, allowing you to narrow down the results according to your specified criteria.

Syntax Example

Here’s a general syntax for combining the two functions:

Summary Table = FILTER(
    SUMMARIZE(my_data, my_data[Team], my_data[Points], my_data[Position]),
    my_data[Team] = "A")

In this example, a new table named Summary Table is created. This table includes the columns Team, Points, and Position from the my_data table, but only for rows where the Team is equal to “A”.

Practical Example


Suppose we have a dataset named my_data that contains information about various basketball players, including their teams, positions, and points scored.


Our goal is to create a new summary table that displays the Team, Position, and Points columns, specifically for players on Team A.

Steps to Create the Summary Table

  1. Open Power BI Desktop: Launch Power BI and load your dataset.
  2. Create a New Table: Navigate to the Table tools tab and click on the New table icon.
  3. Enter the DAX Formula: In the formula bar, type the following formula:
   Summary Table = FILTER(
       SUMMARIZE(my_data, my_data[Team], my_data[Points], my_data[Position]),
       my_data[Team] = "A")
  1. Review the Result: After executing the formula, a new table named Summary Table will be created, which now contains the values for Team, Position, and Points from my_data, filtered down to only Team A players.

Example with Additional Conditions

You can expand your filtering to include multiple conditions. For instance, if you wish to filter for players on Team A who scored more than 20 points, you can modify the formula as follows:

Summary Table = FILTER(
    SUMMARIZE(my_data, my_data[Team], my_data[Points], my_data[Position]),
    my_data[Team] = "A" && my_data[Points] > 20)

In this scenario, the resulting Summary Table will now only include players from Team A who have scored more than 20 points.

Flexibility in Filtering

The combination of SUMMARIZE and FILTER in DAX allows for great flexibility. You can incorporate as many conditions as necessary, tailoring the resulting summary table to meet specific analytical requirements.

For example, you can combine filters on different columns, such as position, points, or even custom fields you have created.


Using the SUMMARIZE and FILTER functions together in DAX offers an effective way to create dynamically filtered summary tables in Power BI.

Whether you are analyzing sports statistics, sales data, or any other type of dataset, this approach allows you to extract and present relevant insights efficiently.

Remember to explore various filtering conditions to refine your datasets further and derive meaningful conclusions. Happy analyzing!

“Not Equal” Operator in DAX for Power BI »

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