paste & paste0 Functions in R to Concatenate Strings

paste & paste0 Functions in R to Concatenate Strings, To concatenate components in a vector into a single string, utilize R’s paste() and paste0() functions.

paste & paste0 Functions in R to Concatenate Strings

The paste() function joins strings together by default using a space as a separator.

The paste0() function joins strings together without using a separator.

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The following is the basic syntax for these functions:

paste(x, sep = " ", collapse = NULL)
paste0(x, collapse = NULL)


x: The vector of elements to concatenate
sep: The separator to use when concatenating
collapse: Value to use when joining elements into a single string

The following examples show how to use each function in practice.

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Example 1: Use paste0()

The following code demonstrates how to concatenate multiple strings into a single string using the paste0() function:

combine a number of components into a single string

paste0("", "data", "analysis", "tutorials")
[1] "finnstats.comdataanalysistutorials"

Each element is concatenated into a single string, with no space between them.

Example 2: Use paste()

The following code demonstrates how to concatenate multiple strings into a single string using the paste() function:

combine multiple components into a single string

paste("", "data", "analysis", "tutorials")
[1] " data analysis tutorials"

The default separator is a space, thus each element is concatenated into one string.

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Example 3: Use paste() with sep

The following code demonstrates how to use the paste() method with the sep argument to concatenate multiple strings into a single string with an underscore as the separator:

Use as a separator when concatenating elements

paste("", "data", "analysis", "tutorials", sep="_")
[1] "finnstats.com_data_analysis_tutorials"

Using an underscore as a separator, each piece is concatenated into a single string.

Example 4: Use paste() with sep and collapse

The following code demonstrates how to concatenate multiple strings into one string using the paste() function and the sep and collapse arguments:

Using the sep and collapse parameters, concatenate items.

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paste(c("finnstats", ".com", "data analysis"), c(1, 2, 3), sep="_", collapse=" and ")
[1] "finnstats_1 and .com_2 and data analysis_3"

The sep parameter was used to connect corresponding elements in each vector together, and the collapse argument was used to merge all of the elements together into one string.

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