t-test in R-How to Perform T-tests in R

t-test in R-How to Perform, Student’s t-test is the deviation of the estimated mean from its population mean expressed in terms of standard error. In this article talking about how to perform a t-test...

Places to visit in Ernakulam District

Places to visit near Ernakulam district, Are you planning to visit Kerala?

Each of the many places you visit is of historical and colonial significance.

If you are planning to visit places in Kerala, good planning is essential and this information will help you a lot.

Let’s take a look at the best places to visit in the Ernakulam district.

Proportion test in R

How to do a proportion test in R and what are the conditions that need to meet for the proportion test? The sampling method for each population is simple random sampling. The samples are...

One Sample Analysis in R

One sample analysis in R-In statistics, we can define the corresponding null hypothesis  (H0) as follow: Hypothesis: 1.      H0:m=μ,  2.      H0:m≤μ 3.      H0:m≥μ The corresponding alternative hypotheses (Ha) are as follow: 1.      Ha:m≠μ (different) 2.      Ha:m>μ (greater) 3.      Ha:m<μ (less) Outlier Detection: Out.fun<-function{abs(x-mean(x,na.rm=TRUE))>3*sd(x,na.rm=TRUE)} ddply(data,.(sample, variable),transform,outlier.team=out.fun(value)) column heading...

Best sip plans in India-SIP Vs Lumpsum

Best sip plans in India, Systematic investment plan, and lump sum plan are the two best ways to invest in India. SIP Investment India SIP is an investment option that everyone puts forward. SIP...

Monthly Income Investment

Monthly Income Investment, This is a plan that can be opened through Post Office. Let us see what are the features of the Post Office Monthly Income Scheme. Government of India Plan Safe Investment...

How to select mutual funds?

How to select mutual funds? It is a scheme of investing in equity-related instruments in order to get a very high return. It offers high returns, unlike the normal investment scheme. The risk is...