Tips for Rearranging Columns in R

Tips for Rearranging Columns in R, you might frequently want to reorder the columns in a data frame. The select() function from the dplyr package, fortunately, makes this simple to accomplish. library(dplyr) This tutorial...

How to Arrange the Bars in ggplot2

How to Arrange the Bars in ggplot2?, The frequencies of several types of data can be shown using bar charts. The bars are arranged in the following sequences by default in ggplot2 bar charts:...

How to Recode Values in R

How to Recode Values in R, On sometimes, you might want to recode specific values in an R data frame. Fortunately, the recode() method from the dplyr package makes this simple to accomplish. The...

R Recursive Functions-Quick Guide

R Recursive Functions, In its most basic form, recursion is a looping process. It makes use of the fundamentals of R’s functions. When a function calls itself, this is referred to as recursion. This...

How to Find Unmatched Records in R

How to Find Unmatched Records in R?, To retrieve all rows in one data frame that do not have matching values in another data frame, use the anti_join() function from the dplyr package in...

Basic statistics concepts

Basic statistics concepts, The Z value is a measure of standard deviation, or how far the observed value deviates from the mean. For example, the value of z value = +1.8 indicates that the...