Group by Count in R

Group by Count in R, The R programming language’s dplyr package has a function called group_by() that groups data frames. Group by Count in R In R, group by the count of multiple columns...

Different types of scales and their Names

Different types of scales and their names, we use data to answer fascinating issues in statistics. However, not all information is created equal. There are four different data measurement scales that are used to...

Cumulative distribution function in R

The probability that x will take a value less than or equal to x is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a random variable assessed at x. The ecdf() function in R is used...

geom_point requires the following missing aesthetics:

geom_point requires the following missing aesthetics:, We’ll show you how to debug the ggplot2 “Error: geom point requires the following missing aesthetics: y” in R programming in this article. Packages with Sample Data and...

How to interpret regression results in R

How to interpret regression results in R?. The lm() utility in R can be used to fit a linear regression model. The summary() command can then be used to view the regression model’s output....

How to add Circles in Plots in R with Examples

How to add Circles in Plots in R?. To draw a circle in a plot in R, use the following methods. Approach 1: Using Base R, draw a circle. library(plotrix) Syntax for creating scatter...

How to deal with the class imbalance in R with Example

How to deal with the class imbalance in R, when dealing with machine learning methods, the classes in the dataset are frequently uneven. Consider the following scenario: According to a dataset containing information on...

Ordinary Least Squares Regression Alternative in R

Ordinary Least Squares Regression Alternative in R, when there are outliers or influential observations in the dataset we’re dealing with, we might utilize robust regression as an alternative to regular least squares regression. In...

How to determine if a time series is stationery?

How to determine if a time series is stationery?, To see if a time series is trend stationary, apply the KPSS test. The following null and alternative hypotheses are used in this test: H0:...