Create groups based on the lowest and highest values in R?
Create groups based on the lowest and highest values in R, to divide an input vector into n buckets, use the ntile() function in the R dplyr package. The basic syntax used by this...
Create groups based on the lowest and highest values in R, to divide an input vector into n buckets, use the ntile() function in the R dplyr package. The basic syntax used by this...
ggplots Transparent Background, the ggplot2 syntax for adding a translucent background to a plot is as follows. p + theme( panel.background = element_rect(fill=’transparent’), #transparent panel bg plot.background = element_rect(fill=’transparent’, color=NA), #transparent...
How to Change Background Color in ggplot2, To alter the background color of different elements in a ggplot2 plot, use the syntax below. p + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = ‘lightblue’, color = ‘purple’), panel.grid.major...
NLP Technology N gram model in NLP, The likelihood of the word sequence is calculated using language modeling. Applications for this modeling include speech recognition, spam filtering, and many more. Automatic Language Recognition (NLP)...
How to plot Bump Chart in R?, A bump chart is a sort of chart that emphasizes the order of the groups rather than the quantity of change by displaying rankings of various groups...
Excel statistics add in, A free Microsoft Excel add-in program called The Analysis ToolPak offers the instruments required to carry out difficult statistical, financial, or engineering analyses. Simply follow the instructions listed below to...
How to add ggplot2 Titles in R, The ggplot2 data visualization toolkit makes it simple to build stunning charts from scratch in R. However, unless you specify one, ggplot2 does not offer a title...
ggplot2 colors in R, Depending on the total number of items in the plot, the ggplot2 program has a set of default colors it uses for the elements. For instance, the code that follows...
Top Data Science Skills, Data analytics, data mining, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and deep learning are all included under the umbrella term of data science. These days, a lot of businesses are utilizing data...
Dummy Variable Example in R, A dataset occasionally needs to be arranged according to particular properties. They are important for statistical modeling because they facilitate the grouping of related objects by providing a dummy...