Number of Days Between Two Dates in Power BI

Number of Days Between Two Dates in Power BI, Calculating the duration between two dates is a common requirement in data analysis, such as tracking project timelines, assessing time-to-market for products, or evaluating employee tenure.

In Power BI, you can easily calculate the number of days between two dates using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions).

Number of Days Between Two Dates in Power BI

This article will guide you through the process of computing the difference in days between two specific dates.

Using a Simple Arithmetic Operation

The Days Between calculation can be as straightforward as using a basic arithmetic operation in DAX.

Specifically, you’ll multiply the End Date column by 1 and then subtract the Start Date column, resulting in a new column that contains the number of days between the two dates.

Here’s the syntax you can use:

Days Between = 1 * my_data[End Date] - my_data[Start Date]

This example assumes you have a table named my_data with columns for Start Date and End Date. The Days Between column will be populated with the number of days between the dates in these columns.

Example Scenario

To demonstrate this, suppose you’re working with a table called my_data that includes information about tasks with specific start and end dates.

You want to create a new column that shows the duration of each task.

Step 1: Open Power BI and Select Your Table

  1. Launch Power BI Desktop: Begin by opening your Power BI project where the my_data table is located.
  2. Select Your Table: In the data view, click on the my_data table to select it.

Step 2: Create a New Column

  1. Access Table Tools: Navigate to the Table tools tab on the ribbon.
  2. Add a New Column: Click on the New column button to initiate the process of adding a new column.

Step 3: Input the DAX Formula

In the formula bar, enter the following expression:

Days Between = 1 * my_data[End Date] - my_data[Start Date]

Step 4: Review Your Results

After typing in the formula, Power BI will calculate the number of days between the Start Date and End Date for each row in your table. The new Days Between column will display results similar to:

  • 29 days between January 1, 2024, and January 30, 2024.
  • 0 days between January 5, 2024, and January 5, 2024.
  • 4 days between January 15, 2024, and January 19, 2024.

By following these steps, you can create a new column that highlights the duration between two specific dates in your data.


Calculating the number of days between two dates using the simple multiplication-subtraction trick is a quick and effective solution within Power BI.

By leveraging this DAX trick, you enhance your ability to analyze project timelines, evaluate employee time-in-role, or assess any time-sensitive data trend effectively.

With this technique at your disposal, you’ll be able to extract valuable insights from your dataset with a deeper understanding of the duration between specific dates.

“Not Equal” Operator in DAX for Power BI »

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