Research Assistant in Quantitative Methods Department

Research Assistant in Quantitative Methods Department

  • Anywhere

Company Name:-
Indian Institute of Management Udaipur

Job Location:-
Udaipur, Rajasthan

Job Summary:-

IIMU is a research-intensive institution.

You may attend regular workshops by both resident as well as visiting faculty members where research papers are presented and discussed.

You can also attend PhD level coursework offered in the institute.

Salaries are competitive with similar positions in India.

The faculty you work with will be willing to provide recommendation letters as well as provide you guidance on the application process to top PhD programs.

They will also encourage you to initiate your own research.

IIMU’s RAs have received offers from world class PhD programs including Texas A&M University, University of Pittsburgh, University of Texas at Austin, Western University (Canada), University of Maryland, London School of Economics, University of Houston, University of Memphis, Kansas State, among others.

You should consider yourself a good fit for this position if you have finished or about to finish your Master’s degree and are seriously considering pursuing a PhD, and want to get some experience to see if a research career is meant for you.

You will assist faculty in projects on Quantitative methods, as well as in projects that cut across Data analytics and Statistical computation.

Being in the work, you will need some skills in C++ and R programming and you should be flexible in learning related things.

The skills you develop will help you in applying to top ranked doctoral programs in Marketing.

This is a research position in an academic setting.

You will assist with:
Data collection, data preparation, and data analysis – primarily working on secondary data but can extend to experiments as well.

The faculty will help you train on methods necessary to do your job.

Programming in R and in C++
Literature search, summary, presentation and writing
Writing research proposal and conducting research
Other research related work
Master’s degree in quantitative disciplines (such as Engineering, Economics, Statistics, or Mathematics) from any of the top-tier colleges in the country is preferred.

Highly motivated candidates with an undergrad from other disciplines can also apply if they have a quantitative aptitude.

An open mind to learn Statistics


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