Import Data into SAS Using PROC IMPORT

Import Data into SAS Using PROC IMPORT, If you’re working with SAS and need to bring in external data files, the PROC IMPORT statement is your go-to solution.

This versatile procedure lets you easily import various file formats into SAS, making data management a breeze.

Import Data into SAS Using PROC IMPORT

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of using PROC IMPORT to import CSV, Excel, and text files, and highlight the syntax and options each import requires.

Basic Syntax of PROC IMPORT

The PROC IMPORT statement follows a straightforward structure. Here’s the basic syntax to get you started:

proc import out=my_data

Explanation of Each Line:

  • out: This specifies the name of the SAS dataset that will be created upon import.
  • datafile: This is the location of the file you want to import.
  • dbms: This specifies the format of the file being imported (e.g., CSV, Excel, text).
  • replace: This option allows you to overwrite an existing dataset with the same name.
  • getnames: Set to YES if the first row of your file contains variable names; set to NO if it does not.

Importing Different File Formats

1. Importing a CSV File

To import a CSV file, simply set the dbms option to csv. Here’s an example of how to use PROC IMPORT for a CSV file named my_data.csv:

/* Import data from CSV file called my_data.csv */
proc import out=new_data

/* View dataset */
proc print data=new_data;

After running this code, you will find that the SAS output matches the data from your original CSV file.

2. Importing an Excel File

Similarly, importing an Excel file follows the same PROC IMPORT structure, with the dbms option set to xlsx. For instance, here’s how to import a file named my_data.xlsx:

/* Import data from Excel file called my_data.xlsx */
proc import out=new_data

/* View dataset */
proc print data=new_data;

This command will yield a SAS dataset that matches the content of your Excel file.

3. Importing a Text File

Importing a text file is just as straightforward, but ensure you specify dbms=dlm for delimited text files. Here is how to import a file named data.txt:

/* Import data from text file called data.txt */
proc import out=new_data

/* View dataset */
proc print data=new_data;

Again, you can expect to see your SAS output reflecting the original data from the text file.


The PROC IMPORT statement in SAS is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of importing data from various file formats.

Whether you’re working with CSV, Excel, or text files, the syntax remains largely the same—just change the dbms parameter based on your file type.

By following these examples, you can efficiently manage your data imports and get straight to your analysis. Happy importing!


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