Category: R

Unequal Variance t-test in R:- Welch’s t-Test

The Art of Statistics 4.5 out of 5 stars(3751) Available for Amazon Prime 35% Off ₹599.00 ₹385.00 Unequal Variance t-test in R, When the variances of two independent groups are not considered to be...

Test for Normal Distribution in R-Quick Guide

The Art of Statistics 4.5 out of 5 stars(3751) Available for Amazon Prime 35% Off ₹599.00 ₹385.00 Test for Normal Distribution in R, Many statistical tests, such as correlation, regression, t-test, and analysis of...

SVM in Machine Learning-Quick Guide

The Art of Statistics 4.5 out of 5 stars(3751) Available for Amazon Prime 35% Off ₹599.00 ₹385.00 SVM in Machine Learning, we’re going to talk about the R package e1071 today. We’ll learn how...

glm function in r-Generalized Linear Models

The Art of Statistics 4.5 out of 5 stars(3751) Available for Amazon Prime 35% Off ₹599.00 ₹385.00 glm function in r, we’ll look at what generalized linear models are in R and how to...

How to create contingency tables in R?

The Art of Statistics 4.5 out of 5 stars(3751) Available for Amazon Prime 35% Off ₹599.00 ₹385.00 Create contingency tables in R, Contingency tables are helpful for condensing a huge number of observations into...

Logistic Regression plot in R

The Art of Statistics 4.5 out of 5 stars(3751) Available for Amazon Prime 35% Off ₹599.00 ₹385.00 Logistic Regression plot in R, you will learn how to plot a Logistic Regression Curve in the...

You can override using the .groups argument

The Art of Statistics 4.5 out of 5 stars(3751) Available for Amazon Prime 35% Off ₹599.00 ₹385.00 You can override using the .groups argument., You’ll discover how to deal with the dplyr message “‘summarise()’...

Detecting and Dealing with Outliers: First Step

The Art of Statistics 4.5 out of 5 stars(3751) Available for Amazon Prime 35% Off ₹599.00 ₹385.00 Detecting and Dealing with Outliers, We’re going to look a little bit more at these mammals’ sleep...

Dealing With Missing values in R

The Art of Statistics 4.5 out of 5 stars(3751) Available for Amazon Prime 35% Off ₹599.00 ₹385.00 Dealing With Missing Values in R, one of the issues is that when you have a large...

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