Category: R

Add Significance Level and Stars to Plot in R

Add Significance Level and Stars to Plot in R, In this article, I’ll show you how to use the R programming language’s ggsignif package to annotate a ggplot2 plot with significance levels. Boxplot with...

How to make a connected scatter plot in R?

How to make a connected scatter plot in R?, With the help of geom_path, you can depict the relationship between any two variables in a data frame. library(ggplot2)x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...

ggpairs in R

ggpairs in R, A function called ggpairs, which is the ggplot2 equivalent of the pairs function in base R, is offered by the GGally. Both continuous and categorical variables can be passed in a...

XGBoost’s assumptions

XGBoost’s assumptions, First will provide an overview of the algorithm before we dive into XGBoost’s assumptions. Extreme Gradient Boosting, often known as XGBoost, is a supervised learning technique that belongs to the family of...

How to use the image function in R

How to use the image function in R, When displaying spatial data (pictures), the image function can be used to generate a grid of coloured rectangles based on the values of the z matrix. The...

How to create a hexbin chart in R

How to create a hexbin chart in R, The hexbin package in base R provides a function with the same name that creates a plottable hexbin object, which can be used to make a...

The pheatmap function in R

The pheatmap function in R, the pheatmap function gives you more control over the final plot than the standard base R heatmap does. A numerical matrix holding the values to be plotted can be passed. How...

How to create a heatmap in R

How to create a heatmap in R, you must convert a numerical matrix into a data frame that ggplot2 can interpret. Use the melt function from the reshape package for that. How to make...

Box Cox transformation in R

Box Cox transformation in R, The Box-Cox transformation is a power transformation that eliminates nonlinearity between variables, differing variances, and variable asymmetry. The ability to turn a variable into a new variable with a...