Category: R

How to Clean Up Your Data in R

How to Clean Up Your Data in R?, Data cleaning is the process of converting unclean data into clean data that may be used for analysis or model construction. The majority of the time,...

Correlation Coefficient p value in R

Correlation Coefficient p value in R, The linear link between two variables can be evaluated using the Pearson correlation coefficient. This correlation coefficient always has a value between -1 and 1, where: -1: A...

Correlation in R with Missing Values

Correlation in R with Missing Values, when one or more variables have missing values, you can compute correlation coefficients in R using the following techniques: The examples that follow demonstrate each technique in action....

One-sample Wilcoxon test in R

One-sample Wilcoxon test in R, Two independent samples are compared using the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test, often known as the Wilcoxon rank sum test or Mann-Whitney U test. The purpose of this test is to discover...

Convert character strings to Date in R

Convert character strings to Date in R, Will show you how to use the as function to convert a character to the Date class. R Date Function Definition and Basic R as is a...

How to Create Ordered Factor in R

How to Create Ordered Factor in R, Will show you how to make ordered factors in R by using the ordered() function. How to Create Ordered Factor in R Let’s get started. Example 1:...

Summary statistics in R

Summary statistics in R, This tutorial will show you how to use the aggregate function in the R programming language. Definition: The aggregate R function computes summary statistics for a data set’s subgroups. R...

How to add NA values into a factor level

How to add NA values into a factor level, This article describes how to use the addNA function in the R programming language to convert NA into a new factor. Let’s get started right...

How to Put margins on tables or arrays in R

How to Put margins on tables or arrays in R, We’ll show you how to use the addmargins function in R to add margins to tables or arrays. The tutorial will include two examples...