Compare data frames in R-Quick Guide

Compare data frames in R, In this tutorial we are going to describe how to compare data frames in R.

Let’s create a data frame

data1 <- data.frame(x1 = 1:5,            
                    x2 = LETTERS[1:5])
data2 <- data.frame(x1 = 1:5,
                    x2 = LETTERS[1:5])
data3 <- data.frame(x1 = 3:7,
                    x2 = LETTERS[1:5])

In the above data frame data1 and data2 are exactly same and data3 is completely different from other data sets.

Let’s install dplyr package for the function all_equal


Example 1: Compare Equal Data Frames


In the first case, we’ll compare the first two data sets ie) data1 and data2. Based on all_equal function we can check whether the two data frames are equal or not.

all_equal(data1, data2)   
[1] TRUE 

Now you can see the function returned as TRUE, indicates both data sets are equal.

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Now we can try comparedf function from library arsenal.

By default, the data frames are compared by row-by-row. You can change this using the by= or by.x= and by.y= arguments:

summary(compare(df1, df2))
summary(compare(df1, df2, by = "id"))
summary(compare(df1, df2, by = "row.names"))
comparedf(data1, data2)

Compare Object

Function Call: 
comparedf(x = data1, y = data2)
 Shared: 2 non-by variables and 5 observations.
Not shared: 0 variables and 0 observations.
Differences found in 0/2 variables compared.
0 variables compared have non-identical attributes.
summary(comparedf(data1, data2))
 Table: Summary of data.frames
 version   arg      ncol   nrow
--------  ------  -----  -----
x         data1       2      5
y         data2       2      5
Table: Summary of overall comparison
statistic                                                      value
------------------------------------------------------------  ------
Number of by-variables                                             0
Number of non-by variables in common                               2
Number of variables compared                                       2
Number of variables in x but not y                                 0
Number of variables in y but not x                                 0
Number of variables compared with some values unequal              0
Number of variables compared with all values equal                 2
Number of observations in common                                   5
Number of observations in x but not y                              0
Number of observations in y but not x                              0
Number of observations with some compared variables unequal        0
Number of observations with all compared variables equal           5
Number of values unequal                                           0
Table: Variables not shared            
 No variables not shared 
Tble: Other variables not compared                       
 No other variables not compared 
Table: Observations not shared                           
 No observations not shared 
Table: Differences detected by variable
var.x   var.y     n   NAs
------  ------  ---  ----
x1      x1        0     0
x2      x2        0     0
 Table: Differences detected                      
 No differences detected 
Table: Non-identical attributes                             
 No non-identical attributes 


diffdf(data1, data2)
No issues were found!

Example 2: Compare Unequal Data Frames


all_equal(data2, data3)
[1] "- Rows in x but not in y: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5\n- Rows in y but not in x: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5\n"

Now its clearly showing as both the data frames are different and the changes.


Now we can try compared function from library arsenal.

summary(comparedf(data1, data3))

Compare Object

Table: Summary of data.frames

Table: Summary of data.frames
 version   arg      ncol   nrow
 --------  ------  -----  -----
 x         data1       2      5
 y         data3       2      5
 Table: Summary of overall comparison
 statistic                                                      value
 ------------------------------------------------------------  ------
 Number of by-variables                                             0
 Number of non-by variables in common                               2
 Number of variables compared                                       2
 Number of variables in x but not y                                 0
 Number of variables in y but not x                                 0
 Number of variables compared with some values unequal              1
 Number of variables compared with all values equal                 1
 Number of observations in common                                   5
 Number of observations in x but not y                              0
 Number of observations in y but not x                              0
 Number of observations with some compared variables unequal        5
 Number of observations with all compared variables equal           0
 Number of values unequal                                           5
 Table: Variables not shared
  No variables not shared  
 Table: Other variables not compared 
 No other variables not compared  
 Table: Observations not shared 
 No observations not shared  
 Table: Differences detected by variable
 var.x   var.y     n   NAs
 ------  ------  ---  ----
 x1      x1        5     0
 x2      x2        0     0
 Table: Differences detected
 var.x   var.y    ..row.names..  values.x   values.y    row.x   row.y
 ------  ------  --------------  ---------  ---------  ------  ------
 x1      x1                   1  1          3               1       1
 x1      x1                   2  2          4               2       2
 x1      x1                   3  3          5               3       3
 x1      x1                   4  4          6               4       4
 x1      x1                   5  5          7               5       5
 Table: Non-identical attributes 
 No non-identical attributes 


diffdf(data1, data3)

Differences found between the objects!

Remove rows that contain all NA or certain columns in R? »

A summary is given below.

Not all Values Compared Equal
All rows are shown in table below
Variable No of Differences
x1             5
All rows are shown in table below
  x1           1         1       3    
  x1           2         2       4    
  x1           3         3       5    
  x1           4         4       6    
  x1           5         5       7   

Example 3: Compare different dimensional Data Frames

Let’s create a another data frame,


data4 <- data.frame(x1 = 3:9,                     
x2 = LETTERS[1:7]) 
all_equal(data2, data4)

[1] “Different number of rows”

Indicates data2 and data 4 contains different number of dimensions.

Now will see how the results appearing in compared

summary(comparedf(data1, data4))
Table: Summary of data.frames
version   arg      ncol   nrow
--------  ------  -----  -----
x         data1       2      5
y         data4       2      7
Table: Summary of overall comparison
statistic                                                      value
------------------------------------------------------------  ------
Number of by-variables                                             0
Number of non-by variables in common                    2
Number of variables compared                                   2
Number of variables in x but not y                                 0
Number of variables in y but not x                                 0
Number of variables compared with some values unequal      1
Number of variables compared with all values equal                 1
Number of observations in common                                5
Number of observations in x but not y                              0
Number of observations in y but not x                              2
Number of observations with some compared variables unequal        5
Number of observations with all compared variables equal           0
Number of values unequal                                           5
Table: Variables not shared
 No variables not shared
Table: Other variables not compared
 No other variables not compared
Table: Observations not shared
version    ..row.names..   observation
--------  --------------  ------------
y                      6             6
y                      7             7
Table: Differences detected by variable
var.x   var.y     n   NAs
------  ------  ---  ----
x1      x1        5     0
x2      x2        0     0
Table: Differences detected
var.x   var.y    ..row.names..  values.x   values.y    row.x   row.y
------  ------  --------------  ---------  ---------  ------  ------
x1      x1                   1  1          3               1       1
x1      x1                   2  2          4               2       2
x1      x1                   3  3          5               3       3
x1      x1                   4  4          6               4       4
x1      x1                   5  5          7               5       5
Table: Non-identical attributes
 No non-identical attributes


diffdf(data1, data4)

Differences found between the objects! 

A summary is given below. 
There are rows in COMPARE that are not in BASE !!
All rows are shown in table below
Not all Values Compared Equal
All rows are shown in table below 
   Variable  No of Differences 
      x1             5         
All rows are shown in table below
      x1           1         1       3    
      x1           2         2       4    
      x1           3         3       5    
      x1           4         4       6    
      x1           5         5       7    


However, we tried different packages here and found dplyr package is easy to use and provided quick view of the data sets.

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