Coefficient of Variation on Calculator: A Practical Guide

Coefficient of Variation on Calculator, The coefficient of variation (CV) is a valuable statistical tool used to measure the relative variability of data sets in relation to their mean.

Coefficient of Variation on Calculator

By expressing the standard deviation as a percentage of the mean, the CV allows for meaningful comparisons across different datasets. The formula for calculating the coefficient of variation is:

CV Formula:

CV = σ / μ


  • σ: The standard deviation of dataset
  • μ: The mean of dataset

In simple terms, the coefficient of variation serves as a ratio that illustrates the relationship between the standard deviation and the mean, making it particularly useful for evaluating the spread of data.

Why Use the Coefficient of Variation?

The CV is widely used in various fields, especially in finance and research, to compare the relative risk and variability of different investments or datasets.

For instance, an investor might use the coefficient of variation to assess two mutual funds based on their expected returns and risks.

Example Comparison in Finance

Consider two mutual funds that an investor is evaluating:

  • Mutual Fund A:
    • Mean return: 9%
    • Standard deviation: 12.4%
  • Mutual Fund B:
    • Mean return: 5%
    • Standard deviation: 8.2%

To determine which fund offers a better return relative to its risk, the investor calculates the coefficient of variation for both:

  • CV for Mutual Fund A:
  • CV for Mutual Fund B:

Since Mutual Fund A has a lower coefficient of variation (1.38), it indicates a more favorable return relative to its risk compared to Mutual Fund B (1.64).

How to Calculate the Coefficient of Variation Using a TI-84 Calculator

Calculating the coefficient of variation can be easily done using a TI-84 calculator. Here’s a step-by-step guide using a sample dataset:

Sample Dataset:

3, 8, 8, 13, 16, 11

Step 1: Enter the Data

  1. Press the Stat button, then select EDIT.
  2. Input the dataset values into column L1.

Step 2: Calculate the Coefficient of Variation

  1. Press Stat again and scroll to the right to select CALC.
  2. Choose 1-Var Stats and press Enter.

Upon entering, you’ll see a summary of statistics, including:

  • Mean (x̄): 9.8333
  • Sample Standard Deviation (Sx): 4.535

Step 3: Calculate the Coefficient of Variation

Use the values obtained to calculate the CV:

Conversion to Percentage

To express the CV as a percentage, you multiply by 100:

This means that the coefficient of variation for the dataset is 46.11%, indicating a moderate level of dispersion relative to the mean.


The coefficient of variation is a powerful metric for comparing the relative variability of different datasets.

With its simple calculation and intuitive interpretation, the CV is an essential tool for investors, researchers, and analysts alike.

By understanding how to calculate and interpret the coefficient of variation, you can make more informed decisions based on the level of risk versus reward in your data analysis.

Variance on Calculator: A Comprehensive Guide » FINNSTATS

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