Category: R

How to Calculate Percentage by Group in R

How to Calculate Percentage by Group in R, In data analysis, understanding the distribution and proportions of data within different groups is essential for making informed decisions. Calculating percentages by group in R allows...

Multi-Line Comment in R

Multi-Line Comment in R, Highlighting the text and pressing Ctrl + Shift + C in RStudio is the simplest way to make a multi-line remark. Simply highlight the text once more and press Ctrl...

How to perform Rolling Average in R

How to perform Rolling Average in R, A rolling average in time series analysis represents the average value over a predetermined number of prior periods. Using the rollmean() function from the zoo package in...

Sampling from the population in R

Sampling from the population in R, Imagine you were requested to contribute to the creation of a travel guideline for New York City-based business travellers. Imagine that the traveller will be meeting at the...

ggplot2 scale in R (grammar for graphics)

ggplot2 scale in R, due to the right-skewed distribution and selection of a linear scale in ggplot2, it is challenging to distinguish disparities in GDP. Read previous post… g+geom_point(aes(color=net_users,size=roadways)) g+geom_point(aes(color=net_users,size=roadways))+coord_trans(y=”log10″) In the latter, the...

ggplot aesthetics in R (Grammer of graphics)

ggplot aesthetics in R, we use graphics grammar to create multivariate data visualization. The ggplot() command in ggplot2 creates a plot, and any arguments passed to it are used in all future plotting commands....

How to perform in R

How to perform in R, you may use the function to apply a certain function to an entire list. The basic syntax used by this function is as follows:, list) Use...

Convert character string to name class object

Convert character string to name class object, The R programming language’s and functions are demonstrated in this tutorial. Let’s get going… Definitions: The and functions are described in the sections...

How to play sound at end of R Script

How to play sound at end of R Script, The R programming language is used to demonstrate how to terminate a code with a sound in this lesson. Example 1: How to play sound...

Pattern Searching in R

Pattern Searching in R, Selecting a subset of data based on character inputs that match more abstract patterns is frequently desirable. Also, it can be quite helpful to have the ability to search and...