Category: R

R compiler Application-Installation Guide

R compiler, write R codes on your device. You can easily execute basic statistical analysis in mobile itself. This is ideal for learning and testing code snippets. R compiler released in Aug 2018 and...

tidyverse in r – Complete Tutorial

tidyverse in R, one of the Important packages in R, there are a lot of new techniques available maybe users are not aware of. In this tutorial we are importing basic three packages tidyverse,...

SharePoint R integration and analysis

SharePoint R integration and analysis, this tutorial is a continuation of the previous post Data analysis in R pdftools & pdftk. In the last post, we discussed one of the common data storages is...

Data Analysis in R pdf tools & pdftk

Data analysis in r pdf tools & pdftk, there are multiple ways data can capture, one of the frequently used formats is pdfs. Data stored in pdf may be original or scanned forms also....

Rank Order analysis in R

Rank Order analysis in R!. What is mean by rank data? Suppose we have k subjects and n number of volunteers, each volunteer asked to rank each subject. The outcome will come into the...

Intraday Stock Trading in R

Intraday Stock Trading in R, First, we need to understand what is mean by intraday? Intraday trading involves buying and selling stocks or shares within the same trading day. In intraday, stocks are purchased...

Significance of Spearman’s Rank Correlation

How can the significance of Spearman’s rank correlation be tested? Let us assume Ho:ρs=0  vs H1=ρs≠0  The test statistics is t=[rs*SQRT(n-2)] / SQRT(1- rs2) t has (n-2) degrees of freedom. The formula for rs...

Normality Test in R

Normality Test in R:-In statistics methods is classified into two like Parametric methods and Nonparametric methods. The majority of the test like correlation, regression, t-test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) assume some certain characteristics about...

How to do data reshape in R?

What is mean by data reshaping? Data Reshaping in R is about changing the structure of the data into different formats. In R taking the input data as a data frame majority of the...

Correlation Analysis in R?

Correlation Analysis in R? In correlation analysis, we estimate a sample correlation coefficient based on experimental data, in most cases the Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient is used to find the relationships. The sample...