Add a Column from Another Table in Power BI

Add a Column from Another Table in Power BI, Power BI is a powerful tool that allows users to visualize their data and derive insights from it.

One of the frequently encountered tasks in Power BI is the need to add a column to a table from another related table.

Whether you’re merging datasets to create comprehensive reports or drilling down into specific metrics, knowing how to efficiently add columns from one table to another in Power BI can enhance your data modeling capabilities.

Add a Column from Another Table in Power BI

In this article, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of adding a column from another table in Power BI, explaining various methods you can use, and providing practical examples along the way.

Why Add Columns from Another Table?

Before we delve into the how-to’s, let’s discuss why adding columns from another table might be beneficial:

  • Data Enrichment: By pulling columns from related tables, you can enrich your existing datasets with additional context, which is crucial for comprehensive analysis.
  • Data Consistency: When multiple tables share related data, adding relevant columns can help maintain consistent data reporting across your dashboards.
  • Simplified Reporting: Having all necessary fields in one table can streamline report creation and enhance the user experience during data exploration.

Steps to Add a Column from Another Table

Step 1: Understanding Relationships

First, you need to ensure that there is a defined relationship between the two tables you are working with. To check this, follow these steps:

  1. Open Power BI and navigate to the “Model” view.
  2. Look for the two tables you want to work with. Ensure there is a relationship indicated by a line connecting the tables.
  3. If a relationship does not exist, create one by dragging a field from one table to the related field in another.

Step 2: Adding a New Column Using DAX

Once your tables are properly related, you can use Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) to create a new column in your primary table based on a value from the related table.

  1. Go to the “Data” view by selecting the table icon on the left sidebar.
  2. Select the primary table to which you want to add the column.
  3. Click on the “Modeling” tab on the ribbon and select “New Column”.
  4. In the formula bar, use a DAX formula that references the related table. For example:
   NewColumn = RELATED(RelatedTableName[ColumnToAdd])
  • Replace RelatedTableName with the name of the table you want to pull data from and ColumnToAdd with the specific column name.
  1. Press Enter. Power BI will compute the new column and add it to your primary table.

Step 3: Utilizing the Merge Queries Option

If you’re more comfortable with the Power Query Editor, you can also add columns from another table through the merge queries feature. Here’s how:

  1. Click on the “Home” tab in Power BI and select “Transform Data” to open the Power Query Editor.
  2. In the Power Query Editor, select the primary table you wish to modify.
  3. Go to the “Home” tab and click on “Merge Queries”.
  4. Choose the related table in the drop-down list and specify the join type (Left Outer, Inner, etc.) based on how you want the tables to combine.
  5. After selecting the relevant column for merging, click OK.
  6. A new column will appear, representing the merged table. Expand this column by clicking on the small button in the header to select which columns to add.

Step 4: Refreshing Your Data

Once you’ve added the new column, the final step is to refresh your data model. This ensures that all changes are applied and visible across your reports.

You can refresh your data by clicking on the “Refresh” button in the Home tab.

Best Practices for Adding Columns in Power BI

  • Optimize Data Types: Ensure the data types of columns match across tables, as mismatched data types can cause errors and hinder analysis.
  • Use Clear Naming Conventions: When creating new columns, name them clearly to reflect their purpose, enhancing report readability.
  • Review Performance: Be mindful of performance implications when adding many columns, especially from large datasets.


Adding a column from another table in Power BI is a crucial skill for anyone looking to improve their data analysis capabilities.

By using DAX to create relationships or merging queries in Power Query Editor, you can efficiently enhance your datasets to facilitate better reporting and richer insights.

Whether you are focused on data enrichment, streamlining reporting processes, or maintaining data consistency, mastering these techniques will undoubtedly improve your efficiency and effectiveness in Power BI.

Happy analyzing, and make sure to explore all the powerful possibilities that Power BI has to offer!

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