Residual Plot on TI-84 Calculator

Residual Plot on TI-84 Calculator, A residual plot is an important tool for evaluating the assumptions of regression analysis.

It helps determine whether the residuals (the differences between the observed and predicted values) are normally distributed and if they exhibit heteroscedasticity (non-constant variance).

Residual Plot on TI-84 Calculator

This tutorial will walk you through the steps to create a residual plot using a TI-84 calculator.

Step 1: Enter the Data

Begin by entering your dataset into the calculator.

  1. Press the STAT button.
  2. Select EDIT to access the lists.
  3. Input your x-values in Column L1 and the corresponding y-values in Column L2.

Step 2: Perform Linear Regression

Next, you will fit a linear regression model to your data.

  1. Press STAT again.
  2. Scroll over to CALC.
  3. Select LinReg(ax + b) from the options and press ENTER.

Once you have selected the linear regression option, press ENTER again to perform the regression analysis.

You will see the fitted regression equation, which might resemble:

y = 7.397 + 1.389x

Step 3: Create the Residual Plot

With the linear regression model fitted, you can now create the residual plot.

  1. Press 2nd and then Y= to access the plots menu.
  2. Highlight and press ENTER on the first plot option to select it.
  3. On the plot setup screen, make sure the “On” option is selected and turned on (press ENTER if necessary).
  4. Scroll down to the YList option. To input the residuals:
  • Press 2nd and then STAT.
  • Choose 7: RESID from the list to insert the residuals.
  1. After that, press ZOOM.
  2. Scroll down to select ZoomStat and press ENTER.

You should now see the residual plot displayed.

In the plot, the x-axis represents the x-values from your dataset, while the y-axis shows the residuals from the regression model.

Viewing Residual Values

To examine the actual residual values:

  1. Press 2nd and then STAT.
  2. Press 7 to choose the residuals.
  3. Hit ENTER again to display the residuals.

Scroll right to view the values for each residual associated with the corresponding x-values from your dataset.


Creating a residual plot on a TI-84 calculator is a straightforward process that provides valuable insight into the fit of your regression model.

Analyzing the residuals can help you assess whether the assumptions of linear regression are met, allowing for a more robust interpretation of your results.

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