Intern, Data Science

Intern, Data Science


You will… (Responsibilities):

  • Use data science, computer vision, and natural language processing to improve product development, customer success, content understanding across our construction cloud product.

  • R&D to solve construction project using computer vision & natural language processing

  • Collaborate with other data scientists and engineers developing and deploying ML algorithms

  • Document and communicate your findings through quantitative data analysis

  • Present progress to stakeholders

Who you are… (Requirements):

  • Full-time student pursuing a BS, MS, or PhD in Computer Science, or equivalent

  • Proficient in Python

  • Proficient in TensorFlow or PyTorch (or another standard deep learning framework)

  • Proficient in deep learning, computer vision, and/or natural language processing

  • Experience in AWS environment

  • Experience completing multiple data science projects end-to-end; from idea generation, goals formulation, to implementation and deliverables

  • Comfortable communicating data and results, both verbally and visually

  • Bonus: Experience with top-tier publications in machine learning domains (e.g., CVPR, ICCV, PAMI, ICML, JMLR, ACL, EMNLP, etc.)

To apply for this job please visit

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