The pheatmap function in R

The pheatmap function in R, the pheatmap function gives you more control over the final plot than the standard base R heatmap does.

A numerical matrix holding the values to be plotted can be passed.

How to create Anatogram plot in R – Data Science Tutorials

# install.packages("pheatmap")
# Data 
m <- matrix(rnorm(200), 10, 10)
colnames(m) <- paste("Col", 1:10)
rownames(m) <- paste("Row", 1:10)
# Heat map


If the matrix’s values are not normalized, you can use the scale parameter to normalize them by either the rows (“row”) or the columns (“column”) of the matrix.

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m <- matrix(rnorm(200), 10, 10)
colnames(m) <- paste("Col", 1:10)
rownames(m) <- paste("Row", 1:10)
# Heat map
pheatmap(m, scale = "column")


Display_numbers = TRUE causes the values for each cell to be displayed. The text’s size and colour can both be changed.

         display_numbers = TRUE,
         number_color = "black", 
         fontsize_number = 8)

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Number of clusters

With kmeans_k, the number of clusters can be altered. If there aren’t enough clusters, you can enlarge the cells using cellheight or cellwidth.

pheatmap(m, kmeans_k = 3, cellheight = 50)

Remove rows dendrogram

pheatmap(m, cluster_rows = FALSE)

Remove columns dendrogram

pheatmap(m, cluster_cols = FALSE)

How to create a ggalluvial plot in R? – Data Science Tutorials

Remove dendrograms

         cluster_cols = FALSE,
         cluster_rows = FALSE)

Border color

pheatmap(m, border_color = "black")

Color palette

pheatmap(m, color = hcl.colors(50, "BluYl"))

Legend breaks

heatmap(m, legend_breaks = c(-2, 0, 2))

Legend labels

         legend_breaks = c(-2, 0, 2),
         legend_labels = c("Low", "Medium", "High"))

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Remove the legend

pheatmap(m, legend = FALSE)

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