Correlation Analysis Different Types of Plots in R

Correlation analysis, correlation is a term that is a measure of the strength of a relationship between two variables.

Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation

One of the most common measures of correlation is Pearson’s product-moment correlation, which is commonly referred to simply as the correlation, or just the letter r.

Correlation shows the strength of a relationship between two variables and is expressed numerically by the correlation coefficient.

Naïve Bayes Classification in R

Correlation Analysis

The correlation coefficient r measures the strength and direction of a linear relationship,

  •   1 indicates a perfect positive correlation.
  • -1 indicates a perfect negative correlation.
  •    0 indicates that there is no relationship between the different variables.

Values between -1 and 1 denote the strength of the correlation, as shown in the example below.

In this tutorial, we will explain the different ways of executing correlation plots in R

Cormorant Package

# remotes::install_github(“r-link/corrmorant”)


We are selecting only quantitative variables for further analysis

mpg<-select(mpg,displ,cyl,cty, hwy)
corrmorant(mpg, style = "binned") +
  theme_dark() +
  labs(title = "Correlations")
corrmorant correlation plot

Customized Plot from ggcorrm

ggcorrm(data = mpg) +
  lotri(geom_point(alpha = 0.5)) +
  lotri(geom_smooth()) +
  utri_heatmap() +
  utri_corrtext() +
  dia_names(y_pos = 0.15, size = 3) +
  dia_histogram(lower = 0.3, fill = "grey80", color = 1) +
  scale_fill_corr() +
  labs(title = "Correlation Plot")
corrmorant customized correlation plot

Visualize correlation matrix using corrplot

Following plots, correlation coefficients are colored according to the value. The correlation matrix can be also reordered according to the degree of association between variables.

How to learn statistics?

M <-cor(mpg)
corrplot(M, method="circle")
corrplot circle correlation plot
corrplot(M, method="pie") 

Difference between association and correlation

corrplot pie correlation plot
corrplot(M, method="color")
corrplot(M, method="number")

There are three types of layout :

  • “full” (default) : display full correlation matrix
  • “upper”: display upper triangular of the correlation matrix
  • “lower”: display lower triangular of the correlation matrix
corrplot(M, type="upper")
corrplot(M, type="lower") 

Types of data visualization charts

corrplot lower correlation plot
corrplot(M, type="upper", order="hclust")

Using different color spectrum

Sample size calculation in R

col<- colorRampPalette(c("red", "white", "blue"))(20)
corrplot(M, type="upper", order="hclust", col=col)

Change background color to lightblue

corrplot(M, type="upper", order="hclust", col=c("black", "white"),

Changing the color of the plot

Random Forest Feature selection in R

corrplot(M, type="upper", order="hclust",
         col=brewer.pal(n=8, name="PuOr"))

Changing the color and the rotation of text labels

corrplot(M, type="upper", order="hclust", tl.col="black",

Customize the corrplot

Handling Imbalanced data in R

col <- colorRampPalette(c("#BB4444", "#EE9988", "#FFFFFF", "#77AADD", "#4477AA"))
Specialized the insignificant value according to the significant level
corrplot(M, type="upper", order="hclust",
         p.mat = p.mat, sig.level = 0.01)
corrplot(M, method="color", col=col(200), 
         type="upper", order="hclust",
         addCoef.col = "black", # Add coefficient of correlation
         tl.col="black",, #Text label color and rotation

sjPlot Package

sjp.corr( data, title = NULL, axis.labels = NULL, sort.corr = TRUE, decimals = 3, na.deletion = c("listwise", "pairwise"), corr.method = c("pearson", "spearman", "kendall"), geom.colors = "RdBu", wrap.title = 50, wrap.labels = 20,sjp.corr 65 show.legend = FALSE, legend.title = NULL, show.values = TRUE, show.p = TRUE, p.numeric = FALSE )

sjplot is very useful for small number of variables.

ggside in R

sjp.corr(mpg,title ="Spearman Correlation",decimals =2)
sjplot correlation plot

PerformanceAnalytics Package

chart.Correlation(mpg, histogram=TRUE, pch="+")

ggcorrplot Package

r <- cor(mpg, use="complete.obs")
hc.order = TRUE,
type = "lower",
lab = TRUE)

Correlation plots are the best way to show the pattern and relationship.

Decision Trees in R

If you have utilized some other correlation plot please mention in the comment box will include the same.

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2 Responses

  1. JMaspons says:

    Dendograms could also be useful if you have many variables despite that you lose some information

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